We see through the window the wonder of wonders.
With our inner eyes,
You, green,
You, mother,
Wrap me between your lips – mummy style,
Answer me
I am alone,
Come on, you sweet,
Crucify me by your words,
My life,
My soul.
I want you sublime,
mon cher,
consistent and violet,
just like a cell of lucidity.
Watching you, my intestines are skating nakedly.
Tell me a line, maestro, hit hard!
Are you aware of your antagonistic breathing?
Your mask has a flaw: it doesn’t disintegrate at my command,
My love is a smirk, disgustingly psychological, up to the end.
You were my friend and you told me the truth. F.M.
I wear my friendship as if it were a gun,
along the walls,
automatic gesture,
religiously overrated.
I use my lighthouse to penetrate the mist.
Them and I are best friends.
We smile, a bit nostalgically, a bit greedy,
long time security.
It is clean because we are cured now.
We do not have the same name
Bur we share our immortality.
Reflected back and pale,
the lights from resuscitation,
were glowing funereally.
No one heard the scream,
no one heard the butterfly.
Coughing from its vocal chords.
As if I am no longer here,
I squeeze the moist quince between my teeth
and I make a fool of myself by making origami
from the grin of the wind, cracked into strips.
As if I am no longer here,
I drink fountains of tea out of moldy pot
in the name of the spleen,
I take autumn grapes as hostages.
The man from the opposite pavement
continuously eats cherries.
He devoures them staying in the weirdest positions.
Down on his knees,
he crunches the stones so savagely that,
parts of his gum clench into the urban concrete
for eternity.
Or, bent on his knees,
transparent from striving,
almost dead,
he pushes with his nose,
the roundness of the fruit, to the sewage holes.
The man from the opposite pavement
bohemianly licks away
the juice of the smashed cherries
by megawheeles of iron.
And swollen with pleasure,
he pukes out audibly sketches:
p-s instead of worm actors,
a-s as rotten theatre smelling diarheea,
besides other broken sounds,
leftovers of the anachronistic taste.
I have diagnosed the man from the opposite pavement to suffer from
acute nostalgia.
I saw the sky folded by regularity,
without compact wings,
a vague time of the ages,
exploding hugely,
motionless and with no shape
trying futuristic scaly points
I saw the massive print of the eye
raising its mane,
without dense echoes
a flame of the eternal ages
burning quietly its silvery shadows
Devilishly I saw the rain eat stones,
and like an algae I fumbled in its depth for its arid, permanent depth…
To know your life as well as the pen in your hand
is a profound issue,
worthy of humans…
To know your life
is enough for you
and you live it non-stop,
leaning against your pen
as on a spare arm…
I cleaned my body in water and alcohol
so I could yell out my begging for sky wings.
My mortal condition cries its probability
with hasty tears.
I feed of them as from a brothel
buried at the end of time.
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