Acupuncture represents an ancient methode of healing based on the Taoist tradition which goes back over 8000 years.The main point is about the man’s relations with nature and the universe, by using a flow of energy within and without.
The first written evidence is attributable to Fu Hsi, sages of this period, but the most legendary was Fu Hsi,who lived in the Yellow River area of China approximately 8000 years ago.He formulated two symbols, a broken line and unbroken line, that represented he two major forces in the universe – creation and reception. This duality was named yin-yang and constitutes the fundamental philosophy of Chinese Medicine.It can be affected by various factors such as: anxiety, stress, anger, fear or grief, poor nutrition, weather conditions, hereditary factors, infections, poisons and trauma.
During the New Stone Age(10,000-4000 years ago), a major role has been associated with the ‘bian stone’, a sharpe edged stone that was used in order to treat the diseases.
A significant milestone in the history of Acupuncture was the reign of Huang Di -The Yellow Emperor (2697-2597), that was considered the main promoter of the Chinese Medical Arts.His studies filled various domains as: anatomy and physiology, etiology of disease, pathology, diagnosis, differentiation of syndromes, prevention, yin-yang, five elements, treatment, and man’s relationship with nature and the cosmos, Acupuncture, description of the meridians, functions of the zang-fu organs, nine types of needles, functions of the acupuncture points, needling techniques, types of Qi, location of 160 points.
The Historical Records have mentioned the Miraculous Pivot ,that was the original evidence of nine types of Acupuncture needles.Another crucial point for this period was the ‘Book of Difficult Questions’, a compilation written by Nan Jing about the five element theory, hara diagnosis, eight extra meridians, and other important topics.
The book was improuved in the following years by the famous physician Huang Fu Mi that provided new informations into his classic text -‘Systematic Classics of Acupuncture and Moxibustion’,that is considered to be one the most important text in the history of Chinese Medicine.
The studies are focused according to the theory of: zang fu, Qi and blood, channels and colllaterals, acupuncture
points, and clinical application.
The Ming Dynasty (1568-1644) represented the revival of the Acupuncture by a new perspective that included: the revision of the classic texts, the refinement of Acupuncture techniques and manipulation, the development of Moxa sticks for indirect treatment,the development of extra points outside the main meridians and the principles of the Nei Jing and Nan Jing, that were described in’Zhenjin Dacheng’ ( Principles of Acupuncture and Moxibustion )
During the time, Acupuncture remained an important element in China’s medical system, being improuved throw further studys on its clinical effect on various diseases, acupuncture anesthesia, and acupuncture’s effect on the internal organs.
‘Here’s the picture: a few thousand years before it was known that blood circulates or germs cause disease, doctors who had never dissected a frog, claimed that yin and yang could be balanced by inserting needles into the right points, among the hundreds of points strung along 12 meridians….Scientists suggest the needles stimulate release of endorphins. Jalapeno peppers do the same thing. So it wouldn’t matter where you stick the needles would it? Then who needs an acupuncturist?’ -Bob Park.
There aren’t any links between the meridians used in traditional Chinese medicine and the knowledge of modern physiology, biochemistry, nutrition, anatomy,cell chemistry, blood circulation, nerve function, the existence of hormones or or any of the known mechanisms of healing.
How does Acupuncture work?
In the present, it has been prouved that sticking needles into the body may have some positive effects, especially in the area of pain control. The acupuncture points are connected with the nerve endings responsable for certain skin areas.The stimulation of these endigs has an influence on the nervous system in order to release some natural painkilling chemicals such as endorphins , enkephalins and neural hormones as: serotonin, endorphins, catecholamines, cortisol, and adrenaline. It can be considered a natural pain killer.The main goal is to recover the balance between the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the individual.
Martina Amanzio (2001) demonstrated that "at least part of the physiological basis for the placebo effect has its origin in nature" (Bausell 2007: 160).
There have been made several studyes about the acupuncture’s effects, primarily those on pain and the way it stimulates the body’s natural healing abilities in order to obtain an emotional well-being. There are three main mechanisms:
Conduction of electromagnetic signals: the acupuncture points are strategic conductors of electromagnetic signals that may start the flow of pain-killing biochemicals;
Activation of opioid systems: certain types of opioids are released into the central nervous system during acupuncture treatment,blocking the pain or improuving the areas of the body that are vulnerable to disease.
Changes in brain chemistry, sensation, and involuntary body functions: the acupuncture affects the brain chemistry by changing the release of neurotransmitters and neurohormones in order to re-balance the body’s primary functions.
How does the Acupuncture help?
The main problems of the present regarding the medical condition are represented by the: anxiety states, arthritis, asthma, back pain, circulatory problems, depression, facial paralysis, fibrositis, high blood pressure, indeterminate aches and pains, infertility, menstrual problems, migraines, rheumatism, sciatica, skin conditions and ulcers.
Acupuncture represents a complementary solution in the treatment of both acute and chronic disease, including various techniques in the area of : pain- management, smoking, alcohol, eating disorders or drugs.
The diagnostic is determinated not only for a certain injury or just for isolated symptoms. It consideres the entire person, because the main principle is focused on the links established between mind and body.