Intersex activist angela mereno talks about how she was subjected to mutilating qenital surqery and years of lies.physicians who claim that intersex activists criticisms apply only to older take note:
Angele’s surgery was performed in 1985, by experienced specialists.The " clitoral reducation" destroyed her clitoral sensation, not to mention her mental health.
Angela isnow comfortable with her intersex status, describing herself as "a different kind of woman, born uniquely hermaphroditic" and who wishes from the bottom of her heart that she been allowed to stay that way.
Today, angela is a proud and bold intersex activist , working to prevent other intersex kits from being made to suffer as she was.Not only that angela’s parents are also begining to speak out about how harmful the traditional medical paradigm is. A sidebar acknowledges that the 40 years old insistence of yearly jgenital surgery is becoming controversial, and cities clinical psychologist Dr. Howard devore calling for doctors to " respond to the infant’s concerns, rather than the panicked parents, " and let any surgery wait until the patient can choose foe him or herself.along with ISNA , Dr.Devore belives that children should be labelded male or female, but that surgery notbe imposed
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