Categories: USWorld

American Hunter in CHitral

American citizen hunter Kashmir Makhor under hunting trophy at Gahnite valley.

CHITRAL:  Second American citizen who get hunting trophy permit and hunted a precious Kashmir Markhor at Gahnite Village conservation committee (VCC) area. Talking to this scribe Daniel Smith of USA said that he conducted dozens of hunting of wild life but he never seen such species of any wild life  as like Kashmir Markhor which is existing only in Chitral. He said that for this purpose he paid 65000 US $ and get a hunting trophy permit from Pakistan Wild life department. He said that he stayed in the mountains of Gahnite for 8 days and on 9th day he success to hunt a mature Kashmir Markhor at snow bound mountains early in the morning. Horns of Markhor were measured upto 46 inches  while it was a 11 years old Markhor. He said that I obtain services of Shikar Safari Pakistan and Ejaz Ali Khan was my tour and hunting guide in the valley while he was facilitated by Shahzada Saif Ali president of Gahnite 2 VCC Chitral. About the controversial news in western media  about terrorism in Pakistan Daniel Smith said that western media projecting controversial news about Pakistan but when I came here to Chitral there is nothing such as in media. He said that this is my second trip to Pakistan first I had hunted Sindh Ibex and now at second time I came to Chitral for hunting Kashmir Markhor. He said that Markhor is the rarest generation of wild life in the world and not populating any where in the world except Chitral.

Talking about the peaceful environment of Chitral Mr. Daniel said that I think this is the only part of the world which is still peaceful and people of Chitral also peace lover and polite. I have no problem and feeling my home situation Daniel Smith said. He said that I stayed here for 9 days but never felt neither any thread to my life nor any untoward situation occurred here in my presence. Conveying his message to world tourists and hunter Daniel Smith said that I want to communicate my message to the tourists and hunter on world level to must come here and enjoy hunting and visit in this peaceful environment. He said that I will must come next year along with my other colleagues. He said Pakistani government can cash this environment and can gain million of dollars if it declare a tourist spot. But basic facilities must to be provided to tourists he added.

Shazada Saif Ali president Gahnite VCC said that some 600 population of Kashmir Markhor existing in Gahriat VCC and this is 11th Markhor Hunting trophy in this VCC but at present this is first trophy hunting of the year 2010. He said he by himself hunted an Ibex last month. To promote tourism especially eco tourism he said that we can project photos and video of these precious and rare genealogy wild life through media to attract tourists on world level to Chitral. He said that tourists can watch from a near distance these Kashmir Markhor and Ibex from 15 December to last January as they came down for drinking water and if they were not disturbed by human being they never hesitate to take their pictures because they are very familiar to human being. He said that hunting trophy is auction by wild life department and hunter gets it through bidding worth thousands of US dollars.  50% share of total amount is giving to local VCC where hunt occurred, 25% share distributing among the surrounding VCCs and 25% fund goes to government exchequer of wild life department. He said that different uplift schemes launching by this fund after proper counseling with VCC members. Some 80 members working in his VCC and they protecting this wildlife from any illegal hunting.

Ejaz Ali Khan of Shikar Safari who belongs to Hunza valley of northern areas told this scribe that his organizations promoting tourism and hunting by legal way in Pakistan. He said that mostly international hunters preparing to Chitral because of no tension here and famous for its peaceful environment.
G.H. Farooqi PO Box No. 50 GPO Chitral Pakistan phone No. 03025989602, 0943-302295, 414418
Email: gulhamad@gmail.com

G. H. Farooqui: Free Lance Journalist from Chitral Pakistan and Human Rights Activist as well as Social Worker and Registered Volunteer
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