Americas get passionate about Healthcare Reform debate

 Over the past few weeks, the debate over healthcare reform has raged on throughout the country. Town hall meetings have erupted with large crowds, tough questions, yelling, and booing elected officials. The American people are now opposed to the efforts by the Democratic Party to pass healthcare reform legislation, especially the public option. People simply do not want the government to be even more involved with personal choices that we each have to make.

There has been an effort by some to make those dissatisfied with the reform efforts look like crazy people or racists or right wing nuts, when in fact they are none of the above. People care about this country and where we are heading. Those you see at town hall meetings are not fringe people, but average Americans. Most of them look to be senior citizens. I admit that there are some radical people at these public events, but most are just hard working people who have serious questions and comments which need to be heard.

It is time for Washington to listen to the voice of the people. Go back to the drawing board and craft a bipartisan plan on healthcare. Liberals are never always right and either are conservatives. Incorporate ideas from all sides and do what is best for the country, not your reelection chances or the special interests. You work for us, not the other way around. If these partisan shenanigans continue, do not be at all surprised if the people you work for decide to fire you next November.


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