One of the more peculiar beliefs of the Amish community is not allowing their children to play with dolls with faces.
So you will often times see Amish children playing with or clutching dolls that don’t have any facial features whatsoever.
It stems from the belief (or fear) that dolls can be indwelled by demonic entities who can then watch you through the dolls eyes. It doesn’t necessarily matter so much if the dolls eyes are made of glass, plastic or buttons – its all the same for the Amish.
So in order to preclude that possibility altogether – seamstresses and doll makers within the Amish community will only make dolls with no eyes (ears, hands with fingers and mouths).
While many may call this just a silly superstition, it does represent one of the many ways the Amish try and protect themselves and their children from the devil and demons (the existence of which is a proven fact as far as the bible is concerned).
In researching this subject I found many instances or examples of stories where dolls are said to become possessed by spirits or demons – if they all have one thing in common it is the fact that they all have “eyes.” Just saying!
See video: Proof that Spirits can live in dolls
See also video: Doll moves on film