Amitabh Bachchan known as super star in Bollywood he is Super star all the times he was born on 11th October 1942 in city of Allahabad. His father is a Hindi and Urdu poet.He studied at Boys high school at Allahabad and his college at Naintal’s Sherwood college he earned degree in science from Delhi University in his twenties in order to pursue his career in acting a left the job as the freight broker for the shipping firm in Kolkata.
After leaving his job he went to Bombay and try to find work as film actor because he is not fair he is not suit to many other roles his voice did not helped him requires background commentary he struggled many roles but his voice is making much problem he is a friend of late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi when he got the letter of introduction from Indira Gandhi he entered into Bollywood in 1973 with Zanjeer with no looking back he became a super Star
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