Ammonium Dichromate: A Dual Natured Chemical Compound

Chemical science has developed a lot when compared to its earlier days. The analysis of chemicals and their effectiveness whether useful or hazardous could be easy known to the chemists now. Indeed it takes time but not as like early. However mostly known for their negative properties chemicals also have proved out highly useful for various fields and have been in use since their inventions.

They have covered a maximum of the fields through their various forms i.e. either solid, liquid or gas. From a simple cleaning agent to electronics, chemicals have proved their use everywhere. Many chemical reactions take place in various laboratories across the globe everyday for the analysis of their usefulness. Many others have already been discovered so far and are being in use since then.

Consequently chemicals have played a dynamic role for the growth, development and appearance of various aspects. In fact they are even a part of every day life. Many of these chemicals have been known for their multi functionalities. Meaning? They could be used for various applications and in several fields, based upon their nature as well as characteristic features.

Isn’t it exciting? So precisely, a chemical which could be used in manufacturing a medicine could also be used for propelling a space shuttle! Yes! This is true. And in fact this has happened many times. This certainly shows the core energies of chemicals. Hence for this reason, the uses of chemicals have increased during the recent years. Nevertheless, this is just one aspect of chemicals.

The other aspect of chemicals is slight negative. One of the facts that have always been associated with them is their harmfulness which is also not wrong. However, not all the chemicals possess same nature but a most of them do. Hence this makes them entirely dual natured. The thing then related to them is that one needs to be extremely careful while working with those chemicals.

There are many chemicals which fall into this category. One of them is the ammonium dichromate which sometimes is also called as ammonium bichromate.

An Overview-
This is basically an inorganic compound which consists of ammonium and dichromate ions which form to a salt. This is an odorless compound which exists as orange, acidic crystals which is soluble in water as well as alcohol. The combination of chromic acid and ammonium hydroxide forms this compound. Further the chemical formula of this compound is shown by (NH4)2Cr207.

This compound after its discovery has been used in various fields. The chemical proved out to be useful for the aspects like pyrotechnics, photography, lithography, catalyst, mordant for dyeing pigments, leather tanning and oil purification. Other than that it is also used as photoactive sites. Besides, ammonium bichromate also has the property to explode and hence it is also used as a demonstration for tabletop volcanoes.

Though having so much of lucrative features, this chemical compound has drawbacks too. This is an irritating compound and could cause irritations in skin and eyes. One of the drawbacks of this compound is that, it is also highly corrosive in nature and hence coming into its direct contact could create dermatitis or sensitization. Not only this, but after ingestion, may the compound cause corrosive injury to the oral mucosa, esophagus and stomach.

Considerable Precautions-
As the compound has explosion property, hence it should not be exposed to extreme high temperature. Complete protection gear should be used while working with this compound and it should be taken from a reliable and trusted ammonium dichromate supplier when it comes to authenticity.

To summarize, chemicals are useful but many of them also have slight adverse effects too. Hence one should need to take complete precautionary steps while working with such chemical compounds.

Author’s Profile-
This post has been authored by Daniel, who is a chemist and here he tells about the various aspects of ammonium dichromate and its usefulness.

Daniel Clark: Daniel has been working with Pest Control Company in Perth for the past few years and is a professional blogger too. Here he is sharing a definitive guide for organic pest control services.
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