NYSE:RT Investor Notice: Investigation over potential Wrongdoing at Ruby Tuesday, Inc.

An investigation was announced for investors in NYSE:RT shares concerning possible breaches of fiduciary duties by certain officers and directors…


8 Ways to Make Your Guests Feel at Home

If you’ve ever entertained guests in your home, you know how much you have to think about. You have meals…


10 Tips to Look Beautiful Without Makeup

Every single day we see girls out and about doing their daily business with tons of makeup on their faces.…


Learning Five Centuries of Dresses in a Fun and Easy Way

Fashion continues to change through the years. There are styles that distinctly signify a departure from the flair of the…

Stephanie Wheatly

The increasing trend of medical tourism poses concerns over patient safety

Over the last decade, the stigma attached to receiving voluntary cosmetic surgery has faded significantly. More men and women are…


8 Ways Smartphones Have Made Our Everyday Lives Easier

Our smartphones have pretty much become inseparable from our hands in the past decade or so. We’ve come a long…
