An Economic Monster Looms on the Horizon

In previous articles I have warned that the economy was ready to fall. However, I did not imagine it would fall as far as it has, almost 40% of its all time high. As a matter of fact, some were predicting even worse than what we are seeing now and I am starting to believe that this may be the case. It seems that a monster has been unleashed upon the world and it is sinking its fangs into the economy of every nation draining its life blood. Many people believed that this so-called economic hiccup would be a slight disruption and only the bankers would really feel the pain of it all. However, it seems that ordinary citizens are starting to feel the talons sink into their skin, and it is painful as hell.

Ordinary people are beginning to see their 401K lose up to 50% of their value and this is heart wrenching considering that this may be all that keeps them off of the streets after retirement. This is due in large part to a government that has mismanaged and abused the monies entrusted to them for Social Security. The politicians thought that they could have their cake and spend it to, and now that system will no longer exist within a generation. Everyone knew that it was a bad idea to touch the monies in Social Security and add them to the general fund, but they did it anyway, it simply turns out that it was nothing more than an additional tax.

This economic monster was actually born on April 19, 1933, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt announced to the world that the U.S. would leave the gold standard. Every nation in history has defined its riches by the gold and precious gems it possessed and their currency is always built upon that substantial wealth. Since then the monster has been fed a very unhealthy diet of paper with nothing substantial to back it up. The monster was fed by the greedy central banks and whenever it was hungry they merely cooked up another batch of nutrition free dollars. Nevertheless, our own government has not been guiltless in the perpetuation of the growth of this creature, instead they used its power to manipulate the world and the American people through pork belly spending and earmarks which left the U.S. in dire straights in every fiscal year since that time.

Now, the monster is almost fully grown and I fear that there is no one that can stop it now. To turn back to the gold standard would be unbearably painful for the American people. The money which is printed is not worth anything and you have to trade a lot of nothing to get something in return. Even now if one tries to take their money from the bank they are often told that they cannot. How can a bank tell you that you cannot have your own money you ask? If you have a substantial amount in the bank give it a try and see what happens. The only way to slay this beast is to go back on the gold standard where our currency is backed by real wealth and not some made up belief that paper is worth any more than paper itself.

I can only say that if you want to survive the attack of this economic monster then you must have your assets liquid which means invest in precious metals, property, and other such commodities. Do not sell your gold for pennies on the dollar as some have done in those small pre-paid packages, but instead hold on to it. If you have to, smelt it yourself, but keep it because you will need it to feed the beast when it reaches your door. Good luck to all in these times and may you see a more prosperous future.

Nicholos Poma: I have a Bachelors of Science and Information Technology Degree. I served in the United States Army as a tactical communications specialist from 1983 until 1989. I re-enlisted into the service after 911 and before the push into Baghdad. However, in 2005 my term of enlistment was up and I seperated from the service.

My interests include politics, theology, and technology. I am also a singer songwriter and enjoy playing my guitar when the mood strikes me. I run 4 blogs and I write for a few content sites.
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