An evil-smelling benefactor.

Garlic come actually from the Central Asian steppes and has been known in Arab Republic of Egypt for over 6.000 years.

It´s said to have grown in Sweden during the Viking era (790-1100 after Christ),but during the 1500´s it became unpopular beacuse of its strong odor.

It was rediscovered during the 1900´s.

Garlic is used primarily as a spice in cooking,but it also protect against everything from colds and cancer to werewolves and vampires.

In Sweden,garlic approved as a herbal for relief at colds,beacuse to its ability to stimulate the immune system.

It´s know that garlic also stimulates certain enzymes that are formed in the liver.

Garlic contains several substances,several with medical effects,and is one of our most nutritious vegetables.

Garlic contains inter alia enzymes,essential oil,calcium,phosphorus,iron,niacin and the vitamins A,B1,B2 and C.

Some benefits of garlic is: it lowers the fat levels in patients with elevated blood fats,reduce high blood pressure,and also lowers the pain threshold.

1-2 cloves a day must we eat,if we want to be a part of the positive effects.

Sven-Erik Sandal:
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