Categories: Opinion

An Oration for Occupy Wall Street

Most of the time, history makes us, but once or twice in our lives, we make history. This is one such opportunity. We don’t know where this movement will lead. No one knows. We don’t even know for certain that it’s a movement. But that is the virtue of our assembly. I say "our," not "your," because I feel I live here. And many of us — millions of us — live here with you, in this small park. You have given me a voice. If you have succeeded at nothing else, you have given me, and millions, the courage to open our lips.


I write this on a Trailways bus in the Catskills. As I write, I see two horses grazing in a field. I bring you the beauty of horses in profile, bending to feed, in Lake Hill, New York. I offer you the coiled power of their legs and flanks.


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