In another political move by those in Washington, Elena Kagan’s nomination by Barack Obama was confirmed by a majority of the Senate along mostly partisan party lines after much political posturing by many in the "opposing" party for public consumption since the "defectors" were again the same old, same old labeled "Republican moderates" from the Northeastern states of Maine, Vermont, etc.
Although the mainstream media continues to label the court as primarily a "conservative" court, this true American Constitutional Conservative would beg to differ.
I guess since our press is so far out globalist liberal in their ownership progressively, especially the "Associated" Press which includes foreign press and news agencies, anything right of communism would seem conservative to most of their staff writers.
This is how truly representative our current Supreme Court is at the present time.
Although no "religious" test is to be given for any public service position or political office our court is now comprised of three Jewish members, and six Catholics. Seven basically New Yorkers by birth or length of residency.
And six graduates of Harvard Law School, and three of Yale – with quite a few with their undergraduate studies in Britain.
Leave it to the press and politicans to promote to the public the "look" of the Court (six men and three women, two "racial" minority members) without scratching further in just how "liberal" this Court actually is and unrepresentative of the American people really in its composition.
All nine from "liberal" East Coast law schools, the most current member of which threw out mandatory Constitutional law classes in favor of a more "progressive" curriculum.
And with the exception of Justice Thomas, none of which actually are texturalists which, unless and until the Constitution is amended by the will of the people according to the provisions within it for amendment – and not the simply the states as it was the "intent" of those founders that any subsequent amendments would be placed before the people before each and every state ratified further amendments – we have nothing more than an entire "activist" Supreme Court down the line as was quite apparent with the most recent trashing of its provisions with respect to campaign finance laws favoring the "corporate" over the intent of the founders for a representative government at its foundation.
That being that no candidate for political office should be "sponsored" by any entity, either corporately or otherwise, domiciled outside their legislative districts. Period.
Nor is there any such entity as "corporate person-hood" including "municipal corporate-personhood" with respect to Bill of Rights provisions.
Ms. Kagan has an engaging demeanor, but given her actual stated discounting of the very document upon which her "right" to even hold such a position was given the shaft while she was Dean of Harvard’s Law School, does that now demonstrate to both those Senators and the American people that she did not hold the bare minimum qualifications for the position for which she was being "interviewed."
No wonder the West and Western citizens lives and property are being sacrificed for the "great good," outside California and the Hollywood contingent.
The West lacks representation on any level in the highest court in the land, and progressively so.
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