In the Holy Book of Genesis: 6: verses 1-2 and 4 and verse 6: we can read the following from Holy God Our Father and Creator; “And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
Verse 4: “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them,”
Verse 6; “And it (repented) the Lord, that he had made man on earth, and it grieved him at his heart.”
Since we as Christian through faith, accept the Holy Bible as the Holy Word of Almighty God, and not just any ordinary book containing both fact and fiction, is it not safe to believe according to Genesis: 6: 2; that fallen angels, those who followed Lucifer the devil took for themselves, human women for wives.
We can further see that those women, made love to those angels “sons of God”, and had children from them or with them.
Carrying on to verse 6; we read that the Lord “Repented” that he had made man on earth and that it grieved him.
It is further safe to believe from verse 6, that God, was saddened that such things were happening with his creation man.
To take this revelation to a conclusion, we must understand several things.
First: and foremost we are spiritual beings created in Holy God’s image. God tells us this at Genesis: 1: 26; “Let us make man in our image.” Since God is spirit, we too must be spirit.
Second: “Free Choice” must apply to even the Angels of Heaven and the fallen angels from Heaven, otherwise they would not be permitted to marry with humans and have children together. Would these children have supernatural powers like an angel? Only God would know the answer to that.
Third: We see how upset all of this made God, for it is because of this he decides to flood the earth and kill off everyone except Noah and his family, and the animals. Otherwise all that God created would be for naught.
Finally: If left to our own devices, without laws, without Commandments like the 6th. And the 9th. Commandments we might find ourselves facing total destruction one again.
According to verse (6) we must ask ourselves the following question though, since The Father and Our Lord permits “Free Choice” to all creation in heaven and on earth, is it possible for God to make an error?