"BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad" is a Japanese anime series released around 2005 but hasn’t been aired on network television across North America. This Japanese anime series fits into the genre of music. It can also be considered a "slice of life" type anime as it tends to focus on the usually everyday lives of the individual characters. BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad runs up to twenty-six episodes. Like many anime titles, BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad was adapted from a manga that was authored by Harold Sakuishi and published by "Kodansha." The first manga was released early 2000 and it still ongoing with thirty volumnes. The actual series itself is directed by Osamu Kobayashi.
The characters and the music seem to with the feel of Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad. It seems that a good deal of this anime series revolves around Asian rock but more in particularly, Japanese rock or J-Rock. The series looks to get its inspiration to the culture of pop and rock. It is also inspired by rock ‘n’ roll’s greats: Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, Aerosmith, Freddie Mercury, Kurt Kobain, and many other legends. It’s also revealed that Beck is the name of a pet dog that seems to be the mascot. The dog isn’t a normal dog which is hard to explain. Beck’s look is very hard to explain and you must view it for yourself.
This story revolves around a fourteen year old Japanese junior high student named Yukio whom people call "Koyuki." He saves Beck from some kids. Then Yukio finds out that the dog belongs to a person named Ryuusuke Minami who is an emerging rock musician. In turn, Yukio gets into playing the guitar. And then he gets a guitar from Ryuuske and starts to use it. From there, the series goes through Yukio’s development from an amateur to a master at the guitar. This development of Yukio looks to be the main driving force of Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad. It also revolves around Yukio and the other members that make up the band called "BECK." So BECK is both the name of the dog and Ryuusuke’s band.
This is a true rock music inspired anime series. BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad has an interesting diversity of characters along with an interesting soundtrack. If you enjoy the culture of rock ‘n’ roll, you will enjoy BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad. Some of the members of the band in the anime have resemblances to famous musicians such as the Red Hot Chili Peppers. This is the work of a person that truly loves and breathes the culture of rock ‘n’ roll. Keep in mind that this isn’t for little kids due to a good amount of profanity in the series.
The music is composed by this Japanese rock band called "Beat Crusaders" whom are responsible for the fifth opening theme song for the popular anime series called "Bleach." It is available and dubbed in English. However, a series like this is hard to find as BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad is usually out of stock. It’s unknown if and when this series will be aired on network TV across North America. For anybody that’s playing in a band, this is one series to watch.