"Berserk" is a twenty-five episode Japanese anime series that was released and aired to Japan during the late 1990s. It was directed by Naohito Takahashi and was adapted from the manga that has run since 1990 and is still ongoing. There have been two games based off the Berserk series called "Berserk" and "Sword of the Berserk: Guts’ Rage." This is by far one of the most violent and most bloody anime titles that I have ever seen before in my life. In the beginning, I did not know about the series until my friend had bought the series a few years back. He’s been buying a lot of anime several years back and I would borrow them from him. I was somewhat familiar with Berserk.
I saw that the main character was Gatsu or who is also called Guts. The only character from the game that is present in the series is a woman named Casca. I wasn’t sure how the series tied into Sword of the Berserk: Guts Rage for the Sega Dreamcast. But I decided to watch the series anyway. It was an interesting take to see the life of Gatsu from the beginning to the very end of the series. Though it was violent and bloody, Berserk happens to be one of the best anime titles that I have seen so far. I highly doubt that there may be another anime that is hardcore as Berserk. A lot of the definitions in Sword of the Berserk: Guts Range is very much explained in-depth in the series.
The series also goes in-depth on Casca and her personality. Berserk revolves around Gatsu, Casca, and a man named Griffith who is the leader of a mercenary group called the "Band of the Hawk." Gatsu and Casca were both discovered by Griffith at different points. Casca was discovered first and Gatsu was discovered next. It also detailed how Gatsu became to be as the swordsman as he is today. The series also goes in-depth on the demonic brand that’s on his neck.
The brand bleeds whenever Gatsu feels an evil presence. Also demons are attracted to that demonic brand. As a result, Gatsu will forever be tormented by demons until the day that he dies. It’s a tragic underdog story in Gatsu’s case as he must keep his guard up and take on whatever demons come after him. Berserk also goes into detail about the giant sword that Gatsu wields called the "Dragon Slayer." Berserk is indeed a very good series to watch. However, due to the graphic violence this is definitely not for everybody. Berserk is definitely one series that little kids should not be watching.
It eventually details on Gatsu came to be how he is. But, Berserk only carries on through the earlier parts of Gatsu’s life with Casca, Griffith, and the rest of the group. It also details why Casca is in a state of shock in Sword of the Berserk. To better understand the story, one should read the mangas and play the various Berserk games that are available. It would be nice if there were more episodes to Berserk launched. I myself really wanted to see the Skull Knight in action as he is a powerful character and capable of fighting the God Hand all by himself.
However, I was satisfied by being able to see Gatsu’s main antagonist Nosferatu Zodd in action.
It seems unlikely that there will be new episodes of Berserk to be released. There are many things in Berserk that was only covered in the manga and not in the anime series. A dubbed version of Berserk is available but it is unlikely that the series will be aired on live TV across North America due to its graphic violence. There are scenes of sex involved in Berserk as they play an important part. Any editing to the series will probably anger fans.
For those hoping for new episodes of Berserk, keep your fingers crossed. While you wait, read the manga and play the games. The manga is still in circulation.
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