“Black Blood Brothers” is a modern day vampire themed Japanese anime series that has recently aired on Japanese network television. The series lasts for twelve episodes but most Japanese anime series usually last for twelve to fourteen episodes at least. The popular anime series called “Hellsing” is one of those popular series running for at least twelve to thirteen episodes. However, Black Blood Brothers seems to have combined influences from both Hellsing and the “Blade” Trilogy. The plotline seems to mirror that of Hellsing where the existence of vampires is widely known. This is the same case with Black Blood Brothers. But, Black Blood Brothers does in fact have an interesting storyline itself.
The story of Black Blood Brother takes place in Hong Kong where vampires run rampant. It’s an ongoing war between humans and vampires. The vampires in the series are known as the “Kowloon Children” whom are the result of being bitten by a vampire known as the “Kowloon King.” Black Blood Brothers revolves around a vampire named Jirou who is an “old blood” who brandishes a silver bladed katana capable of destroying vampires has already destroyed most of the Kowloon Children. When they get killed by the sword, the vampires immediately turn to ashes to dust. However, unlike Hellsing there looks to be comedy in Black Blood Brothers.
Jirou is accompanied by his little vampire brother Kotarou who is very childish despite him being a vampire. He can get annoying such as pounding on Jirou’s coffin resulting in a fist to the face. That action itself seems to be brutal but Kotarou’s also a vampire meaning they can easily take a fist to the face. But Kotarou is merely a child and thinks like one. Children to get very curious and Kotarou is no exception. It looks as if he’s going to be the comic relief for the series. Everything seems to pick up when Jirou and Kotaru stow away on a freighter headed towards Japan. Jirou’s outfit looks similar to Alucard’s in Hellsing.
The ship gets attacked by Japanese soldiers from a special “Coffin Company.” They explain something called the Special Zone that’s supposed to be a haven for vampires. But it’s said that it’s a lawless region of Japan. However, Jirou doesn’t kill people unless they need to be killed. It shows a lot of restraint on Jirou’s part such as using powers to send bullets back into the weapons of the soldiers rendering them as useless.
Jirou displays powers such as force field energy, telekinesis, superhuman strength, superhuman speed, superhuman agility, and superhuman reflexes. He clearly isn’t a normal vampire. It talks about how Jirou isn’t a normal Old Blood vampire. In many ways, Jirou is on the same level as Hellsing’s Alucard. But they contrast in personality as Alucard doesn’t bleed out ash when he gets hit or stabbed. In Black Blood Brothers, the vampires are strictly vampire. It looks to be more of a true vampire series than Hellsing does. In Hellsing, they introduced special chips that can be implanted turning people into vampires or ghouls. That fact isn’t present in Black Blood Brothers.
The vampires display the traditional weaknesses such as a weakness to silver and sunlight. Humans have taken the necessary precautions to take on vampires by using lights with ultraviolet (UV) rays which has proven to be effective. However, it’s not strictly humans against vampires as there are humans and Old Bloods that do work with each other for a sense of peace. Jirou is by means not immune to sunlight as his face dissolved when walking in sunlight which freaked out a group of surfers.
The series progresses as Jirou and Kotarou head to the Special Zone. At the same time, Jirou comes closer to the creator of the Kowloon Children.
The series is much like Hellsing but different at the same time. In Hellsing, the vampires could easily function in sunlight. But in both series, the vampires are very capable of being able to wield firearms, blades, and explosives. But it’s revealed that a Kowloon Child could control another vampire by biting him/her. Overall, Black Blood Brothers presents a very original storyline along with numerous original concepts. For anybody that enjoyed Hellsing or any other film or anime series that’s related to vampires and vampirism should definitely check out Black Blood Brothers.
Currently, the series is available in Japan. The Houston based anime production company called FUNimation. It’s slated to be released to North America around early 2008.
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