"Black Jack 21" is an anime series that was recently released around 2006 directed by both Makoto Tezuka and Satoshi Kuwabara. This series is very much inspired by the original manga created by the great Osamu Tezuka. It looks to be a different telling of the Black Jack story. The feel of the anime looks to be a bit more modern than its original predecessor that was released from 2004 to 2006. In a sense, it’s a more modern telling of the Black Jack series. In a sense, it’s Black Jack for the twenty-first century. However, there’s a pun on Black Jack 21 as Black Jack is a game of cards and you lose by going over twenty-one or if your opponent gets twenty-one before you do.
It goes more in-depth on how Black Jack managed to get a medical license. Many doctors do not understand why Black Jack chooses not to get a medical license. He was pretty fed up with the politics set up by the Japan Medical Association. That puts Black Jack at odds with the medical association and many doctors. He mainly cares about saving people’s lives instead of the politics of various medical associations. That in turn gives him numerous enemies. It is revealed that that he once had a license but it got revoked because he refused to follow orders and allow for a patient to die. Then it’s revealed that the patient is named Megumi who is Black Jack’s lover. As a result, Black Jack got his license revoked by the chief surgeon.
As a result, Black Jack set up a very private practice. But, he is thwarted by the Japan Medical Association. Despite not having a license, Black Jack is still needed as he can successfully do all the operations perfectly that nobody else can. Because of that, the Japan Medical Association allows Black Jack to do as he pleases. However, a good deal of Black Jack 21 takes place around the world. The story tends to focus more on Black Jack and his assistant/sidekick Pinoko as they travel to world to treat terminally ill patients. But the basis is still the same; Black Jack is very much anti-capitalist and anti-prestige. In a sense, Black Jack could be considered a Socialist. Westerners would probably consider Black Jack to be a Communist sympathizer.
This is the reason behind the hefty prices he charges to the very wealthy patients. He strongly believes that one could not put a value on human life. This is how Tezuka strongly feels about society. Black Jack feels the same way. The series is inspired by Osamu Tezuka’s previous profession which was a physician. Tezuka had graduated from medical school before becoming an artist.
This series shows something not covered in the regular Black Jack TV series. Black Jack 21 covers the relationship between Black Jack and his estranged father. It is revealed that Black Jack harbors aggression towards his father for abandoning him and his mother long ago. Black Jack is then helped to fix up his father’s new wife named Renka. His wife had suffered nasty burns due to a fire at the house. The story reveals that his father is very callous and very shallow. Black Jack still harbors plenty of resentment and vengeance towards his father after all of these years. The father even persuades him to join the syndicate that he started.
The surgery is very successful but is held hostage by his father for a month. It shows that his father is pretty ruthless. As a result, Black Jack is only allowed for one phone call. The father disappears and doesn’t make a return. He then returns when it’s time for Renka to take the bandages off. Black Jack made Renka’s face look that of his mother. He returns as a mysterious group decides to blow up his home.
From then, Black Jack travels the world to find out why someone would want him dead and the reasons for it. Black Jack 21 is a good way to expand on the Black Jack franchise. Black Jack seemed to remain in Japan. But, Black Jack 21 will take him to many parts of the world treating the very ill and finding out the answers to his attempted murder.
If you are a fan of the original Black Jack series and/or the other works of Osamu Tezuka, you may enjoy Black Jack 21. The series has a very interesting opening theme that’s very appropriate to the feel. It’s unknown if or when there will possibly be an official licensed release to North America.
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