"Bousou Renkin" is an anime series that had finished airing early this year in Japan. The series goes for twenty six episodes and revolves around a high school student named Kazuki Muto who seems to have a horrible dream of protecting this girl from this beat with tentacles. In this "dream", Kazuki gets impaled by a razor sharp tentacle but wakes up in his room during the middle of the night. He freaks out and starts screaming disturbing all the people in the dorm room. Kazuki goes to school the next day as if nothing happens. Being caught without his school briefcase, Kazuki has a meeting with one of the administrators. He is forced to do weeding after school. During lunch, he receives a text message on his cell phone saying "cherish your new life." He goes back to class as usual but doesn’t know that a female is watching over him.
Before he leaves, the administrator comes and brings Kazuki his briefcase. It’s revealed that the administrator is actually a monster in disguise. Kazuki realizes that this isn’t a dream and the monster is after him. The monster is angry that Kazuki had interrupted its meal. He receives a phone call from that mysterious girl in that dream. She explains that the monster is called a homunculus. The girl is revealed to be named Tokiko Tsumura who gives him the power of alchemy which activates upon human combat instinct. It is very convenient as the monster swallows his sister Mahiro. This is very reminiscent of "Bleach" as Ichigo Kurosaki as he immediately got Shinigami powers nearing the end. It’s the same case with Kazuki as he received powers of alchemy.
Kazuki and Tokiko talk and she reveals that she appeared weak to lure him. He "died" over a misjudgment. However, Tokiko finds interest in him. After the battle, she explains the two types of alchemy. There are two types of alchemy: homunculus and arms alchemy. Tokiko explains that homunculus is the products of research into artificial life while arms alchemy is weapons research. But the homunculus technology proved to be too dangerous. They escaped as arms based alchemists are supposed to hunt down the homunculus.
This looks to be similar to "Fullmetal Alchemist" as alchemy and homunculi are the driving points. In that anime, the homunculi are artificial humans who can be classified as monsters.
In Busou Renkin, it’s revealed that these alchemic warriors use special weapons called "Busou Renkins" as a result of a special device called a Kakugane medal. When the need to fight arises, the medals activate and transform into the Busou Renkan. Kazuki facing off against his second homunculus activates his Busou Renkin in the form of a giant lance known as the "Sunlight Heart." He immediately dispatches the homunculus with that weapon.
Tokiko explains that it is the way of the homunculi to devour humans as there are skeletal remains in the warehouse which was used as their hideout. The story mainly revolves around Kazuki and Tokiko team up to wipe the town out of all of the homunculi. From there, Tokiko takes Kazuki in as a trainee warrior under the condition that he doesn’t die right before her eyes.
Before he names it Sunlight Heart, Kazuki comes up with a list of stupid names. She explains that only arms alchemy can stop the homunculi.
Busou Renkin brings an interesting story that is very much different from Fullmetal Alchemist. Kazuki ends up running into other alchemic warriors while battling the homunculi and constantly crosses paths with the "antagonist" of the series named Papillon who is responsible. Humorously at the same time, he tries to continue his school life and keeping what he does as a secret.
The relationship between Kazuki and Tokiko is similar to that of Ichigo and Rukia in Bleach.
If you have enjoyed Full Metal Alchemist, you may enjoy Busou Renkin. The series so far isn’t available in North America as there is no American license for it at the moment. It might not be released to the North America for at least two years as it takes time to find the English speaking cast along with all of the dubbing and editing.
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