"Buzzer Beater" is a thirteen episode Japanese anime series that revolves around one thing and one thing only, basketball. This series revolves around the very history of basketball, the game of basketball, and the culture of basketball. Buzzer Beater is a sports oriented Japanese anime series with a good deal of science fiction. Watching the series, I enjoyed the take on basketball that is portrayed in the series. One probably wouldn’t look at basketball in the same light again. It is adapted from the manga that is authored by Takehiko Inoue and published by "Shueisha." The series is directed by Shigeyuki Miya and produced by "TMS Entertainment."
From the feel and the story of Buzzer Beater, it looks as if the story takes place far into the future. However, the setting looks to be grounded in reality. The structures and vehicles on Earth are very much twentieth to early twenty-first century. The story behind Buzzer Beater explains that in the past, Basketball was a sport that was dominated by human beings. The science fiction part comes in when Earth is visited by different races of aliens. It would seem that the people of Earth had introduced the various races of aliens to sports such as basketball. As a result, the various alien races have started playing basketball.
It looked as if the various alien races could play basketball far better than the humans. Instead of international basketball, there is intergalactic basketball. These teams are comprised of the best players from different planets. One could possibly have a basketball team representing Mars and another one could be representing the planet Pluto. The only thing that looked to take basketball in that direction would be the movie "Space Jam" with Michael Jordon as he had to help out the Looney Tunes such as Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck take on a rival basketball team.
The title of Buzzer Beater actually comes from the basketball term itself. Anybody familiar with the game of basketball should know what a buzzer beater it. For those not familiar with basketball, a buzzer beater is a shot taken before the game clock of a period ends. When a ball is in the air, the shot still counts as the buzzer goes off. It’s very common for a buzzer beating shot to be released at a long range distance. If you’re into basketball, you may enjoy watching the Buzzer Beater series. The series itself has an interesting hip-hop track to it.
The story itself revolves around the lives of most professional basketball players how they want to make a better life for themselves. However, it’s more difficult for the main character named Hideyoshi who is a homeless boy living in New York City. He makes a living hustling others in basketball games. Hideyoshi is drafted into a professional team. But it’s easier said than done as the physically superior alien races dominate the sport.
Buzzer Beater is driven by the need of bringing more human players back into the game of basketball along with going into the Intergalactic Space League representing the first all-human basketball team and bring the championship back to Earth. This is one series that very much represents the true spirit of the sport. This is one series that is very much for everybody.
There is no dubbed version available yet. It’s unknown whether if or when it will be licensed, dubbed, and officially released to North America. For those that enjoy watching and/or playing basketball, Buzzer Beater is one series to watch.