"D.N.Angel" is a popular anime series that was created by a Japanese company called Dentsu with ADV Films acquiring the North American license. The series lasts for twenty-six episodes. It revolves around a young boy named Daisuke Niwa who lives in a small town and is infatuated with a fellow school girl named Risa Harada. However, Risa only thinks of Daisuke as her only best friend. But his mother and grandfather explain that there’s a secret about Daisuke. However, Daisuke himself doesn’t even know about the secret. It also seems that his family seems to be well versed in magic.
Humorously, Daisuke’s household is booby trapped as a means of training. But it’s revealed that Daisuke has a genetic trait that causes him to transform into a legendary thief known as Phantom Dark. It’s revealed that the Niwa have been thieves and the Phantom Dark genes are a trait that is passed down from Niwa male to male. It’s revealed that Daisuke has to steal an artifact to transform back to normal. With the family pet named With, Daisuke as Dark sprouts black wings that allow him to fly. But Daisuke doesn’t have control when Dark emerges as he has a mind of his own.
It’s also reviewed that the entity is passed to each male generation of the Niwa family at the fourteen. However, it wasn’t the case forty years prior as the grandfather had a daughter. There was no male offspring as females cannot transform into Phantom Dark. But the Harada sisters tend to have an interesting role to play as Riku Harada is attracted to Daisuke while Risa is attracted to Phantom Dark.
In D.N.Angel, Phantom Dark is a legend with a fan base. However, it is revealed that Phantom Dark has a rival in the form of Daisuke’s classmate Satoshi Hiwatari but is really a police commander. As a police officer, Satoshi charged with the task of capturing and arresting Phantom Dark. The family legacy is similar yet different as his real surname is Hikari. The legacy is that Satoshi transforms into Krad who is the homicidal counterpart to Phantom Dark. Krad possesses white angelic wings that contract to Daisuke’s black wings.
It’s the legacy of the Hikari family to capture Dark. While Daisuke tries to control Dark, Satoshi is trying to control Krad. Despite this, Daisuke continues to pull all sorts of heists as his family explains that these artifacts hold special powers.
Interestingly enough, Riku and Risa do not know that both Daisuke and Dark are the same person. However, when Daisuke thinks of Risa, he transforms into Dark.
D.N.Angel has an interesting mix of romance, fantasy, drama, and comedy. At first, I thought it was going to be a pretty violent series as D.N.Angel is short for "Devil ‘n’ Angel."
The romance angle along with the game of cat and mouse are the driving forces of D.N.Angel. But the romance angel plays the biggest role in the conflict between Daisuke and Dark. In personality, the two of them contract while Dark is very perverted while Daisuke is the more decent individual.
One can possibly relate the cat and mouse game to another popular series called "Death Note". However, the cat and mouse game revolves around stealing valuable piece of artwork versus killing people off in Death Note. But, the driving force and inspiration behind D.N.Angel is interesting enough.
It’s unknown when D.N.Angel will be aired on TV in North America. Shopping for the series is very difficult in itself as well. The series is more comedic than action packed. Just about anybody can appreciate D.N.Angel. If you’re into chick flicks and romance, you may enjoy D.N.Angel.
For those anticipating D.N.Angel to be aired in North America, keep your fingers crossed.
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