“Ergo Proxy” is a science fiction themed Japanese anime series that has the feel of “Terminator 2” and “Big O.” There is nothing comical or humorous about Ergo Proxy at all. Don’t expect the characters of Ergo Proxy to do some out of character fan service to the viewers. The series is an interesting mesh of film noir, cyberpunk, drama, and steampunk. Ergo Proxy is a very dark anime series that’s a perfect futuristic personification of film noir. It’s a very dark science-fiction anime series. This is more of a futuristic Big O as a good deal of Ergo Proxy takes place in a massive domed city called Romdeau.
Many things about Ergo Proxy can be very dark and gritty. At the end of each episode there are all sorts of philosophical and quotes at the end along with a brief history of things. One episode ends with a brief history of Walt Disney in creation of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. Many things seem to revolve around Greek and Roman Mythology in Ergo Proxy. Ergo Proxy is a very philosophical anime. But the philosophy very much fits in perfectly with the series.
It seems to be inspired by Big O as the rich and powerful live within the dome or Romdeau. In Big O, it’s unknown how Paradigm City had came to be. In Ergo Proxy, it’s unknown at the moment how Romdeau came to be in the first place. Ergo Proxy is like a quest in seeking the truth behind all of the illusions and what not. Everything gets turned upside down as a string of mysterious murders and attacks take place throughout Ergo Proxy.
Ergo Proxy takes place in the far future as the world looks like a barren wasteland. In a sense, everything is a utopia at the same time a dystopia. The upper class tends to live comfortably in domes who are served by robots called “Auto Reivs.” Everything looks very peaceful but it isn’t the case. The story gets pretty interesting as the Proxies attack the city along with Auto Reivs getting infected by the Cogito Virus that causes them to go berserk. It mirrors that of “The Animatrix.”
Then the truth slowly unravels.
Ergo Proxy revolves around two characters: Vincent Law and Re-I Mayer whom both play a very important role in the series.
Re-I is an inspector with the Citizen Intelligence Bureau of Romdeau. It’s like the futuristic version of the CIA. She is partnered with an Auto Reiv named Iggy. The two of them are charged with the task of investigating the brutal murders that look to be investigated by the infected Auto Reivs. But Re-I learns that this is far from the truth.
All suspicions tend to point to Vincent Law who recently immigrated from Mosko which sounds like Moscow. It may look as if Ergo Proxy takes place in Russia as it looks very desolate. He works for the Auto Reiv Control Division of Romdeau’s government. Vincent is trying to become a model citizen. He has a traumatic past that he doesn’t want to remember that makes things harder on him. Eventually, he must flee Romdeau while being tracked by Re-I.
He’s accompanied by Pino, who’s an infected Companion Auto Reiv in the form of a young girl. She tends to think and act like a little girl. However, Pino is by no means a mere little girl as she exhibits feats of superhuman strength and intelligence. She was supposed to be a surrogate child and then sent to be decommissioned as the mother was granted to have a real child.
This is very much a great mix of science, technology, religion, mythology, and philosophy. If you like science fiction and/or film noir, you may like watching Ergo Proxy.