“Fate/Stay Night” is a twelve episode Japanese anime series set in the same universe of another anime produced by Studio Deen called “Tsukihime: Lunar Legend.” Like Tsukihime, Fate/Stay Night is adapted from a visual novel that is known to have graphic sexual intercourse. However, the anime itself seems to be watered down to an R-rating. Though there is no graphic sex present in Fate/Stay Night, there is still the graphic violence and bloodshed present.
Two fighting games were created in Japan as a result: “Fatal/Fake” and “Fate/Sword Dance.”
This series takes place in a two-week time frame revolving around a high school student named Shiro Emiya who has the ability to analyze things and how they work simply by touching them. In a sense, Shiro has intuitive aptitude by touching things. He lives on his own as his parents’ lives were claimed in a fire several years ago that erupted throughout the city. The boy has some sense of justice and is always willing to help others out. That proves that Shiro has a purpose later on in the future of his life.
He always wonders if he’s contributed enough or not nearly enough. But his life takes an interesting turn as he encounters an attractive female student named Rin Tosaka. That encounter is simply an omen of things to come in the future. Later it’s revealed that Rin is engulfed in this special war that takes place for two weeks. She has a guardian named “Archer” that does the fighting for her. Basically, it’s revealed that the participants have guardians that are summoned from time and space that do the combat. It’s revealed that these guardians tend to be historical figures.
Nobody else can see the guardians, which is pretty reminiscent to “Bleach” and “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure” where only certain people can see these special figures. In Bleach, one must be a shinigami or a spiritually aware human. In JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, one must be a Stand wielder or someone with psychic abilities.
Everything picks up in the first episode as Shiro watches a fight. Shiro is “killed” by a “Lancer-class” fighter and is revived by Shiro who has magical powers. These warriors aren’t people you want to run into let alone mess with in a dark alley at night. They are pretty powerful and wouldn’t hesitate to cut you to pieces.
It’s revealed that the ultimate prize is the Holy Grail that can grant any wish. People can seek the Grail for good purposes or unholy purposes. In Fate/Stay Night, this is the fifth Holy Grail War. Fate/Stay Night is an interesting series with plenty of fighting. If you’ve seen and enjoyed Tsukihime, you may enjoy watching Fate/Stay Night. One character mentioned in Fate/Stay Night is also mentioned in Tsukihime.
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