"Ghost Hunt" is a supernatural driven Japanese anime series that runs for twenty-five episodes. The first run had already finished airing on March 27, 2007 on the Japanese networks: "TV Aichi", "TV Osaka", "TV Tokyo", and "TVQ Kyushu Broacasting Co, LTD." It was directed by Rei Mano and produced by "J.C. Staff." It had first started off as a light novel called the Akuryou Series which ran from 1989 to 1994 with eight volumes. Then the manga that was authored by Shiho Inada had run from 1998 and is still in production today. The title of "Ghost Hunt" is very much obvious as it revolves around spirits and ghost stories. Ghost stories are very popular in various Japanese anime titles and movies.
There is plenty of comedy present in the series as comic relief is very important to a series such as Ghost Hunt. But mainly, it’s focused on the psychological and the supernatural. The series revolves around Kazuya Shibuya and Mai Taniyama. The series starts out with Mai and her friends telling each other ghost stories as Kazuya accidentally interrupts. Entering an abandoned building, Mai accidentally breaks Kazuya’s camera that his assistant Lin was trying to set up. Not being able to pay it, Mai ends up having to work as Kazuya’s assistant as a paranormal investigator or ghost hunter. He is with "Shibuya Psychic Research." It is also explained that the SPR is at the school by request of the school principal.
Interestingly enough, she gets dragged into the adventure because she accidentally broke the camera. Kazuya explains the dangers of the job. The three are assisted by all sorts of interesting characters from different backgrounds. It should be that the series is showing that everybody has something to bring to the table. After watching the first few episodes, it’s no wonder that many fans want a second season to Ghost Hunt. This is a true ghost hunting themed anime series.
Humorously, Mai is revealed that she does havepsychic abilities. But the thing is, she has a miss rate of about a hundred percent. In short, when she says one thing, you have to do the opposite. If she says that it’s going to be sunny then in reality it’s going to be raining. That right there is a very humorous psychic ability.
It’s also revealed that Kazuya himself doesn’t have any psychic potential but is skilled with computers and electronics. This is the reason he has the SPR. For that reason, Kazuya is assisted by many characters.
Koujo Lin acts as Kazuya’s guardian in the series. However, he has all sorts of paranormal abilities such as exorcising and summoning spirits. He basically is charged with doing all the unpleasant jobs that nobody else wants to take. In short, he takes all the very crappy jobs.
Houshou Takigawa is a bass musician who is also a Buddhist Monk. He has the ability to combat ghosts which makes him invaluable to the group. But he is the only monk of the group.
Ayako is a Shinto priestess who tends to be a healer and purifier. She is supposed to be just as skilled as Takigawa. As a team member, Ayako is highly skilled in Shinto style exorcism incantation.
John Brown is a Catholic priest from Australia. He is the only one that uses Holy Water when doing prayers to exorcise spirits.
Masako Hara is a spirit medium who can talk to the dead. Because of that, she has her own television show.
The team is very diverse as the members come from all sorts of different backgrounds. But it’s a nice course that Ghost Hunt has gone as it focuses on hunting ghosts and exorcising spirits. It looks to be a very potential anime series. There’s a deep story to Ghost Hunt. Perhaps the creators may come out with a second season to Ghost Hunt. However, it hasn’t been picked up by a North American network. But it’s unknown if or when an English-dubbed version will be released. It is also unknown when a North American license will be bought.
Realistically, one could wait at least a year or two before that happens. If you’re into the paranormal, Ghost Hunt is one series to watch.
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