“Gundam SEED C.E. 73 Stargazer” is a three-episode side-story to the sequel series of “Gundam SEED” known as “Gundam SEED Destiny.” The story starts during the Break The World Incident in Gundam SEED Destiny which is one of the events that lead to the Second Bloody Valentine War. It goes more in-depth on the people who had suffered on Earth as cities and monuments across the world have gotten destroyed. Only a few characters from Gundam SEED Destiny make a brief appearance as Gundam SEED C.E. 73 Stargazer revolves around original characters and a new group.
The star of Gundam SEED C.E. 73 Stargazer is an Extended Natural named Sven Cal Bayan who is part of the Phantom Pain special forces attached to the cult known as Blue Logos whom determined to wipe out Coordinators from the galaxy. New Gundams are introduced such as Sven’s Strike Noir Gundam. While Phantom Pain is one of the most familiar groups in the SEED universe, Gundam SEED C.E. 73 Stargazer introduces a new organization known as the Deep Space Survey and Development Organization (DSSD).
The DSSD is very much a neutral organization that aims to advance the frontier. This organization is very much focused on deep space exploration. During the three episodes, Sven along with his comrades Mudie Holcroft and Shams Corza are charged with attacking all sorts of facilities across Earth that houses many Coordinators seeking shelter. In a sense, Gundam SEED C.E. 73 Stargazer gives a more in-depth perspective through the eyes of some of the Extended Naturals in a more personal setting versus that of Gundam SEED Destiny.
There are brief cameos of Neo Roanoke, Sting Oakley, and Stella Loussier in one episode. But they appear only for a few seconds. However, that’s the only appearance that they make as Gundam SEED C.E. 73 Stargazer puts more focus on its original characters. Notable characters such as Kira Yamato, Cagalli Yula Athha, and Athrun Zala are not present in this three episode series.
It also stars a Coordinator named Selene McGriff who is part of the DSSD and is working on their Stargazer project. A new type of Gundam is introduced called the “Gundam Stargazer.” It’s a Gundam that’s not like any other seen in the Gundam universe let alone the Gundam SEED universe.
The Gundam Stargazer’s purpose is to explore deep space and transmit data. It’s also the first Gundam ever that is a two seater. One seat is for the pilot and the other one is for the computer that learns from the pilot. It’s supposed to be the first ever unmanned Gundam unit. The Stargazer is a very original idea as it uses a Voiture Lumiere propulsion system that allows it to travel beyond the solar system.
It can deflect beam shots and produce a temporary cutting weapon. This Gundam isn’t meant for offense but carries strong defenses. However, it lacks an N-Jammer Canceller that’s needed for it to run on nuclear power. Nonetheless, the Gundam Stargazer is a very original idea.
If you’ve enjoyed watching Gundam SEED and Gundam SEED Destiny, you may enjoy watching Gundam SEED C.E. 73 Stargazer. It serves as an interesting side-story with an original plotline.