“Gunparade Orchestra” is an anime series that is the sequel to “Gunparade March.” The story takes place in an alternate universe as the world has to deal with an alien threat at the end of World War II called the Phantom Beasts. Things have very much looked grim for all of humanity during that time having to face off against these major threats. Everything looks to be grounded in reality as the setting takes place before the end of the twentieth century.
The story focuses on Japan and China revolving around three different groups of people. The first group deals with a group called the 108th Guard of the 4th Company. This group is currently being led by a young girl named Sara Ishida that is very strict on her subordinates. However, none of the subordinates seem to respect Sara. Sara feels that strength alone is all that matters but gets a rude awakening when the forces and the town they’re protecting suffers devastating losses such as destruction of supply routes at the hands of these Phantom Beasts.
The 108th Guard utilizes Humanoid Walking Tanks (HWT) in combat. These HWTs are like humanoid mechas. Sara has a lot on her plate as she teaches the group to be effective soldiers, earning respect, adjusting as their new commander, and making sure the HWTs are maintained. The HWTs constantly get damaged in immense combat against the Phantom Beasts. The 108th Squad and Sara get to know each other better while trying to take on the threat of the Phantom Beasts at the same time. They can be deemed the underdog group of Gunparade Orchestra.
Their episodes are observed by an enigmatic character named Hard-Boiled Penguin. He’s an actual penguin wearing a suit and tie. The relevance of his presence is very much unknown.
Gunparade Orchestra then brings its focus to Squadron Seven that is stationed in China. The group is far different from the 108th Squad. Instead of tanks, the soldiers use engineered beasts called Raidens whom are a result of splicing DNA of wolves, tigers, lions, and so forth. They have a more interesting way of taking on the Phantom Beasts instead of resorting towards conventional weaponry.
Their commander Shibamara is very cold, callous, and calculating. His leadership contrasts from that of Sara’s. Shibamara very much doesn’t care how many people get killed as long as the mission objectives are completed. He only cares about victory and nothing else. As a result, it causes members of Squadron Seven not to respect Shibamara that much. The action is fast paced when the story revolves around Squadron Seven.
Then it brings focus to a beachside location where the 8th Corps is stationed. Nagano Eitaroe who is dubbed the “Ten-Thousand Wing Commander” is given leadership of the 8th Corps. He is more strict than Sara Ishida. On a comical note, Nagano tends to suffer from motion sickness.
This part is more focused on relaxing than actual combat. Nagano tends to have nightmares about fighting the Phantom Beasts. This story in Gunparade Orchestra puts more focus on summer vacation and summer romance. It looks as if the storylines coincide with the seasons of the year.
Overall, Gunparade Orchestra is a great series to watch.