"Mezzo DSA" is a science-fiction and action packed Japanese anime series spanning for thirteen episodes. It follows up the "Mezzo Forte OVA" released in 2001. The series itself is directed by Yasuomi Umetsu and produced by "ARMS." The series had aired in Japan around 2004. There is a lot of sci-fi action to this along with a good mix of mystery, adventure, crime, drama, and so forth. Each episode looks to have a good amount of comedy to it when presented in very dangerous situations. But, it’s a good thirteen episodes to watch. If you enjoyed watching Mezzo Forte, you may enjoy watching Mezzo DSA.
The series revolves around three characters: Mikura, Kurokawa, and Harada. All three of them make up the team called the Danger Service Agency (DSA). As shown in the first episode, they basically take on any job that involves. However, they take the job as long as it involves a good amount of danger and money. It makes for an exciting anime series and story for Mezzo DSA. The characters are very human in their interactions. Each individual character is interesting in his or her right.
Mikura Suzuki is a young looking girl with pink hair. This petite looking high school girl is basically the brawns of the group. She is the one that does most of the fighting. In combat, Mikura displays an interesting mix of martial arts and gun-play. Mikura is highly skilled with a good deal with all sorts of guns. She can effectively use all sorts of small arms, shotguns, rifles, machine-guns, and explosives. In short, Mikura is one girl that one must not cross if you want to make it through the night. As the brawns of the group, Mikura tends to be very reckless.
There is Kenichi Kurokawa whom the Mikura and Harada call "pops." He is basically the seasoned veteran of the group. Kurokawa is the seasoned former police officer who likes to think that he’s in charge. In a sense, Kurokawa in a sense is like Jet Black from the popular anime series called "Cowboy Bebop." Also, Kurokawa can be considered the father figure to the group. He has the most experience along with connections with the underworld. Humorously, Kenichi blackmailed his old chief to get ammunition for Mikura by holding a DVD showing the chief in a situation with a pop star that is under-aged. Also, Kurokawa has an infatuation with this weather report girl named Aiko.
Tomohisa Harada is basically the brains of the group. He basically is the technical guy that sports some punkish hairstyle. As a part of the team, he is like Edward from Cowboy Bebop. Harada has invaluable skills in the field of computers, mechanics, and robots. In a sense, he is the computer nerd of the DSA. In short, all three of them have something to offer to each other in the case of missions.
Mikura does the action, Harada does the statistics, and Kurokawa sets up the jobs.
They are somewhat assisted by a young schoolgirl named Asami Igarashi who was rescued by Mikura in the first episode. She was very much bullied left and right by other school girls. A good deal of Mezzo DSA focuses on Asami being as strong as Mikura.
Interestingly enough, they have an interesting relationship with a local barber named Chiyoki Mugiyama who tends to have very sadistic tendencies. He’s the leader of a mercenary group called Black Scissors that is at odds with the DSA. Ironically, Chiyoki is their once source of information regarding jobs and so forth. Though they can be considered "enemies", the DSA regularly gets their haircuts from Chiyoki.
However, there is a storyline behind the series. Chiyoki’s group is ordered to assassinate Kurokawa.
Mezzo DSA does provide some similarities to the anime series "GetBackers" as they take very dangerous jobs. In GetBackers, the jobs that Ban and Ginji take are the most dangerous jobs. The big difference is that both Ban and Ginji are always broke regardless.
The series also presents all sorts of interesting enemies in the form of androids, martial artists, snipers, and all other supernatural beings. One enemy looks like Neo from "The Matrix" and even has his abilities. Mezzo DSA is an exciting Japanese anime series to watch. There is an English-dubbed version of Mezzo DSA but it’s very difficult to find. English-dubbed versions of various anime titles are often difficult to find.
It’s unknown if or when Mezzo DSA will be aired on network TV again.