Anime Review of Murder Princess

"Murder Princess" is a six episode Japanese anime series that had recently finished airing its first run on August 29, 2007. It is directed by Tomoyuki Kurokawa and is produced by both "Marvelous Entertainment" and "Bee Train" who are very popular Japanese anime production companies responsible for very notable works of Japanese anime. The anime itself is adapted from the manga that is authored by Sekihiho Inui and produced by "Media Works." It’s a fantasy themed anime series as it deals with all sorts of beasts and supernatural beings. Murder Princess looks to be set in the middle ages due to the dress and appearance of numerous people.


It all begins when a person named Dr. Akamashi who leads a coup d’etat on the Forland kingdom succeeds in killing the king. However, there is another person they are trying to kill named Princess Alita. She was quickly sent on a diplomatic mission to find a person named Prince Kaito. It looks as if Dr. Akamashi has been using all sorts of research by using monsters and robots to do his bidding. Escaping from the kingdom, Alita assumes the identity of her maid named Milano Entolasia. They switch places as Milano is killed posing as Princess Alita.


Both of Alita’s escorts are killed. She then runs into a female bounty hunter named Falis who wields a samurai katana. Falis happens to be operating near the border of the Forland Kingdom. By some accident, Alita crashes into Falis and the two of them fall off a cliff as they are covered by a bright light. It is then that Alita and Falis had accidentally switched bodies. Alita is in Falis’ body and vice-versa as they are rescued by both Dominikov a midget cyborg that wields a scythe and Pete Armstrong a very large abd strong cyborg. The two of them are as equally shocked by the switch in bodies.


The story revolves around the relationship between Alita and Falis. The two of them are trying to find a way to swap their bodies back. At the same time, Falis agrees to assume the role of Princess Alita while possessing Alita’s bounty. Falis uses Alita’s body as collateral. At the same time, Alita in Falis’ body allows herself to be a "criminal" that is wanted. This is where the term of "Murder Princess" would play as Falis is pretty much the murder princess as she is charged in fighting against Dr. Akamashi who is aided by his cyborg bodyguards: Ana and Yuna.


As the Murder Princess, Falis/Alita is very reminiscent of the Bride from "Kill Bill." In her first battle using Alita’s body, her outfit is very much stained in blood. Because of that, she is given the title of "Murder Princess." It’s an interesting premise as Alita still trapped in Falis’ body agrees to be a "servant" going undercover. This is an interesting way to throw people off. While possessing Alita’s body, Falis very much takes full advantage of it. To others, it looks as if Alita has undergone a transformation.


In Falis body, Alita has an easy time adjusting as a maid using the alias of Milano. At the same time, Falis has to learn how to talk like a princess and act like a princess. Humorously, Alita has it easier.


Murder Princess has a great diversity of characters and even the most diverse villains that range from the scientific to the supernatural. It could be classified as Kill Bill mixed with science fiction of ancient technology and with supernatural beasts. This is truly a violent anime series with a comedic twist. If you enjoyed something like Kill Bill, you will definitely enjoy watching Murder Princess.


It is unknown if or when Murder Princess will be licensed and officially released to the North America. But, Murder Princess very much rewrites the definition on how a "princess" should act. In short, "royalty" can learn a lot from watching Murder Princess.

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