"Nana" is a drama and romance themed Japanese anime series that revolves around the life of a punk rock singer named Nana Osaki. It’s also a slice of life type anime series as it documents Nana’s life as she tries to make her debut. The series is adapted from the manga that is still running and has been running since the year 2000. The manga was directed by Ai Yazawa and published by "Shueisha." The anime series itself goes for forty-seven episodes as it has finished airing the first run on March 27, 2007. It’s a recently released anime series. Nana is directed by Morio Asaka and is produced by "Madhouse Studios." There are two live action movies called "Nana" and "Nana 2."
There are two Nanas in this series. The first Nana is Nana Osaki, the punk singer. It also introduces Nana Komatsu who is usually called "Hachi" because she has the characteristics of a little puppy. Unlike Nana, Hachi tends to have a habit of falling in love on first sight. She meets Nana by coincidence on a train to Tokyo. The seat next to Nana was the only one available. Hachi explains to Nana that she followed this boy that went to a community college with her. There are many coincidences that bring the two together: they are both named Nana and they are both the same age. But that is where the similarities end for both Nanas. On Hachi’s side, it’s very comedic as she is looking for love and happiness.
But their paths take off in different ways. However, the two of them are brought together again by coincidence as both Nanas are fighting over a spacious looking apartment. Instead of fighting over who gets the apartment, both Nanas end up sharing the large apartment together as it’s half rent for each. It turns out that it’s much cheaper as the two of them only have to pay three-hundred a month a piece. As they share the apartment, the real story begins. This is one interesting slice of life type Japanese anime series that revolves around two different people brought together by a series of unrelated coincidences.
The series very much goes around Nana as she tries to go famous with the band she started up called the "Black Stones" or "Blast." A good deal with focus on Nana trying to make it big while coming into terms with her former lover named Ren.
At the same time, it focuses on Hachi trying to find new lover after her boyfriend had cheated on her. Hachi is very much portrayed as "boy crazy." At the same time, she tends to be a bit insecure about her relationships. It was also revealed that in the past, she had an affair with a married man.
Either way, those paths will bring the two Nanas closer together than ever.
It looks as if the creator of Nana was very much inspired by classic punk rock let alone Japanese rock or "J-rock." If you’re into romance and punk rock, you may enjoy watching Nana. Nana very much has an exciting rock soundtrack to it. However, it’s unknown if or when the series will be licensed and released to North America. This is a true punk rock influenced romantic series. It’s a perfect mix of rock and romance.
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