“Noir” is an anime series that is just that: noir. This is very much the true anime personification of film noir as there is nothing pretty about this series. This is a work inspired by Luc Besson’s works of film noir such as “Leon The Professional” and “La Femme Nikita.” Both movies have possessed the feeling of film noir. These movies were pretty dark, gritty, and serious. The same thing can be said about Noir as there are no fan services. Everything about Noir is very dark and very serious. But, Noir is still a very enjoyable anime. If you’ve enjoyed watching stuff like “Cowboy Bebop,” you may enjoy watching Noir.
The series revolves around two young girls whom are professional assassins under the guise of “Noir.” Noir is very much a crime-drama oriented series revolving around assassins, hit jobs, high-contract hits, secret organizations, crime syndicates, and government corruption. Everything in Noir is grounded in reality. So far, everything had worked out as well in Noir. As a result, Noir is one of the best series out there.
Most of the series takes place in France as most of the jobs are in that country. However, their jobs can take them to the Middle East, United States, and Asia. This is a true assassin themed Japanese anime series. The gunfights are reminiscent to Hong Kong style blood opera. These fights are extremely stylish and fantastic. There is no comedy or comic relief present in the series as Noir is pure drama and fighting.
Noir revolves around two girls drawn by the name of “Noir.” Kirika Yuumura is a Japanese schoolgirl going to school in France. She has no memories of her past except the ability to fight let alone use firearms. The mysteries of her past play a very important role throughout the series. Noir also focuses on a Corsican woman named Mireille Bouquet whose family has been slaughtered.
They are brought together by the “Les Soldats” program which is also an organization. Though there is nothing sexual about Noir, there is a good deal of bloodshed and violence that more than makes up for it. However, the bloodshed isn’t perverted or overdone. Everything seems to be done in a beautiful matter like watching an animated version of La Femme Nikita. Still, Noir is an anime title for the grown up crowd.
The creators have definitely taken their time to make sure everything is authentic from the locations to their killing weapons. With everything so dark and realistic, Noir is definitely the true personification of film noir. If you enjoyed watching Luc Besson’s works, you’ll enjoy watching Noir.
Currently, Noir can be watched late nights on the Sci-Fi Channel.