“R.O.D The TV” is a twenty-six episode anime series that is the sequel to the series “Read or Die.” This takes place five years after the events of Read or Die when Yomiko Readman along with the British Library had taken on and defeated a group of I-Jin whom are clones of historical figures. Yomiko Readman does make an appearance in the series but not until the latter part.
R.O.D The TV places focus on four main characters living together. There is a regular girl named Nenene Sumiregawa who is a professional writer and has made quite a good living off of it. She is protected by three young girls whom are the “Paper Sisters” that have the ability to use “paper magic” bending paper to their will. This is the same power that Yomiko Readman possesses. However, the three sisters have their own means of using paper for combat.
The main focus is about Nenene who is good friends with Yomiko. After the incident with the I-Jin, Yomiko had gone missing. Nenene hasn’t written a book since her disappearance. As a result of Yomiko’s disappearance, Nenene feels very lonely. She meets up with the three sisters whom are not directly related: Michelle Cheung, Maggie Mui, and Anita King. Nenene meets the three sisters during a trip to Hong Kong.
After Nenene is held hostage, she is rescued by the Paper Sisters.
Michelle is the oldest of the sisters as she acts as the leader and strategist. She is the most calm and collected individual of the sisters. In combat, Michelle manipulates and bends paper forming bows and arrows. Like Yomiko, she has a love for books. She tends to use her money to purchase all sorts of books. Many think Yomiko has returned as she constantly buys books left and right.
Maggie is the tall and quiet sister. She can be pretty distracted when reading a book. In the series, Maggie tends to confine herself in small spaces reading numerous books out of the day. While in combat, Maggie uses her paper magic to create all sorts of paper beasts to do the fighting.
Anita is the youngest and brash of them all. She has a love of milk which is shown in the anime. Unlike the other two, Anita doesn’t like reading books. That comes as a shocker to Neneene. It is eventually revealed later in the series the reason that Anita doesn’t like to read books. So far, Anita doesn’t know how to bind paper together. But, Anita uses single sheets of paper using them as blades in combat. She’s the hand-to-hand martial artist of the group.
The three sisters take all sorts of translation and recovery jobs from an organization just as powerful as the British Library known as Dokusensha. Dokusensha is headquartered in Hong Kong revealing that China is the other literary superpower. In short, the Chinese also has power that can rival that of Great Britain. The main core is basically the conflict between the British Library and Dokusensha.
Literary terrorism as presented in Read or Die is very much evident. In combat, the Paper Sisters bring paper magic to the next level. While doing all sorts of combat and rescue missions, the sisters have the ability to manipulate paper into articles of clothing.
R.O.D The TV serves as an excellent continuation of Read or Die. If you’ve enjoyed watching Read or Die, you may enjoy watching R.O.D The TV.
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