“Sola” is an interesting anime series that airs for about thirteen episodes. It can be considered to be in the supernatural and romance setting. This series revolves around the chance meeting between a high school student named Yorito Morimiya and a girl named Matsuri Shiro. They meet one fateful night where Yorito catches Maturi kicked a vending machine repeatedly because it ate her money. Yorito assists her and gets her a can of tomato juice.
The two of them talk and Matsuri vanishes the next moment. Yorito goes on with his daily life as he looks to live in his own little world taking all sorts of pictures of the sky. He tends to have an obsession with the sky for some unknown reasons. It puts Yorito at odds with his friend Mana who thinks that he’s neglecting his older sister Aono who is hospitalized with an unknown illness. Yorito then encounters Matsuri again, the two talk and he gives her his umbrella. It looks as this encounter will forever change Yorito for the rest of the series.
The pace of the story quickly picks up within the first episode. Yorito heads to the location of a church in his photograph. He then sees Matsuri fighting a man named Takechi Tsujido who is brandishing a double-edged sword. It shows that Matsuri is a regular person as she displays superhuman agility and reflexes and the ability to decompose matter such as metal. That shows how interesting Yorito’s life takes a turn.
Matsuri is called the “calamity of the night” by Takechi. It is dubbed that Matsuri is supposed to be some menace that stalks around that night. Takechi is accompanied by a girl named Mayuko who is the same as Yorito. From there, the “romance” between the two characters begins as Matsuri starts living with Yorito. That’s when Yorito starts hiding Matsuri from Takechi. The comedy begins when Matsuri starts kicking random appliances repeatedly thinking it’s the way they are fixed.
The driving forces of the Sola series would be the romance between Yorito and Matsuri, the hunting of Matsuri by Takechi, and the mysterious relationship between Yorito and Aono. The secrets are eventually revealed later in the series. The running gag remains with Matsuri thinking that all appliances are like vending machines and that you have to kick them in order to be fixed.
Though there is a supernatural feel to Sola, everything is grounded in reality. There is nothing scary feeling about this anime series at all. It’s more driven by romance and drama than it is by the supernatural. But the characters eventually find out the complete truth later on.
I didn’t find Sola appealing that much. However, Sola tends to be one of those chick flick type anime series. If you enjoy Japanese anime and chick flicks, you may enjoy watching Sola. To understand the whole story, you’ll have to watch all thirteen episodes in given order.
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