"Tokyo Majin" is a supernatural driven Japanese anime series that had just run for fourteen episodes during the first season. It’s currently in the second season as there are twelve episodes right now. Both seasons are directed by Shinji Ishihara and produced by "AIC Studios." It has the interesting premise of the supernatural and a string of mysterious deaths revolving around the "Reborn Dead" or "zombies." The beginning of the first episode has zombies in it as they are chasing a high school around. However, it’s revealed they disappear once abducted and appear the next day as a shriveled corpse. Surprisingly, those "Reborn Dead" come back to life that same night, leave, and join the ranks of the other Reborn Dead.
It is revealed how the attacks take place at night and how people tend to end up as shriveled corpses afterwards. A group of high school students and an antiques dealer work together at night time to prevent more deaths at the hand of the Reborn Dead. It makes an interesting martial arts packed zombie flick. Each of these people has their own special abilities to take on these Reborn Dead. But it eventually leads to the group taking on much bigger threat in the form of demons and other beasts from another world.
There are six main characters with the two primary main characters whom are basically "delinquents." There is Tatsuma Hiyuu who is a transfer student who has been around for two months. He’s looks to be very silent and carefree. However, it isn’t the case as Tatsuma is very aware of what’s going on. Tatsuma was basically assigned to go to Magami High School for a job. He tends to help the other main protagonist Kyouichi in fighting gangsters and unruly students from other schools. As a result, Tatsuma is the fifth most delinquent student in the school. However, Tatsuma is no pushover as he as an excellent display of martial arts along with knowledge of vital parts of the human body. He usually sleeps in class.
Kyouichi Horaiji is one of the most known delinquents of the school. He tends to carry around a bokuto which is a wooden katana with him at all times. As a student, he’s the leader of a high school gang. Like Tatsuma, Kyouichi is a very skilled fighter versed in the ways of the samurai. He also uses his connections with the Tokyo underworld when things have to get done. Both Kyouchi and Tatsuma together are extremely mysterious to an extent.
Aoi Misato is the president of the high school’s student council. She uses mainly defensive abilities such as healing her friends in battle. Her powers are mainly revolved and focused towards healing others. Asides from that, she proves to be very proficient with the naginata blade.
Komaki is the captain of the Kyudo club. In combat, she is very proficient in the long bow being capable of firing a rain of arrows at enemies down below.
Yuuya Daigo is the captain of the wrestling club and uses wrestling to take on monsters and Reborn dead.
Hisui Kisaragi is the antiques dealer who has been killing demons for a very long time. He is the one that gives the group the necessary information. In combat, Hisui can use magic combined with Nin-Jitsu.
The six of them are charged with preventing the murders at the same time find out the source behind it all. Asides from beasts and Reborn dead, the group has to take on other people that also wield all sorts of supernatural powers. This is somewhat reminiscent to the anime series "X" by the all-female anime/manga team called "CLAMP." Interestingly enough, this was adapted from a game for the Playstation called "Tokyo Magin Gakuen Kenpucho." Ironically enough, games and animes based off one another tend to do better than games adapted from voices and vice-versa.
Recently, ADV had acquired the license for a North American release of the series. However it’s unknown when it will be officially be released. As the license has been acquired, the search starts for the English-voice actors. This is one series to look out for.
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