"Touka Gettan" is an ongoing Japanese anime series spanning up to twenty six episodes that is directed by Yuji Yamaguchi and produced by "Studio Deen." It is currently aired on "BS Asahi," "SUN TV," and "Tokyo MX TV," which are all available only in Japan and possibly other parts of Southern California. The series itself looks to be adapted from the manga that is authored by Auguri Soragata and Yukio Kumoya while being published by "Kadokawa Shoten." The series is an interesting mix of dram, fantasy, harem, and romance. Harem is included due to the large number of female characters present and a limited number of male characters.
There’s also a visual novel out for the PC that is sexually explicit. However, that’s the one difference between the PC game and the anime itself. The series isn’t sexually explicit but there looks to be implied lesbian relationships between some of the characters.
The setting looks to take place in some fantasy land of Kamitsumihara. But it looks to be placed somewhere inside or outside of Japan as it’s very much influenced by Japanese history and culture. There are numerous traces of magic and sorcery that is still present in the land. The Kamiazuma clan had been protecting the land ever since it was founded in the past. Touka Gettan revolves around the relationship between both Toka Kamizuma and Momoka Kawakabe. The meeting between the two of them brings forth a series of events that brings a legend surrounding the land and the Kamiazuma clan very much to life.
The series has an interesting cast of characters itself.
Toka Kamiazuma is the child of Yumiko Kamiazuma who is a novelist. A good story will revolve around Toka as he learns the truth about himself.
There is Momoka who temporarily joins the Kamiazuma clan.
Yumiko Kamiazuma is the mother of Toka. She is a novelist as it plays a very important role in the pace of the series. There is something very interesting about her past that will be revealed later on in the series.
Touka Gettan is an interesting mix of supernatural, fantasy, and romance. Just about everything looks to be PG-friendly for the most part. However, there are scenes where characters are barely wearing anything. Their undergarments look to be something one would buy out of Victoria’s Secret or Frederick’s of Hollywood. Despite that, there looks to be no graphic scenes of sex present in Touka Gettan.
In the terms of audiences, one should tread carefully. This looks to be one series that is not for the younger crowd. It may suit late teens to young adults as the minimum age group. However, the story is a bit confusing at first as Touka Gettan aired backwards. This is a process that isn’t uncommon as several movies have done this. The first episode is the end of the story while the last episode is the actual beginning of the story.
Due to the nature, it looks unlikely that it would be licensed, dubbed, and released to North America as it is.
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