“Zombie Loan” is an eleven-episode Japanese anime series that presents an interesting and original storyline and concept. It revolves around three main characters that hunt down the undead. The three of them have special abilities that help them out throughout the story and they are linked by fate and other means. A young girl with an inheritance named Michiru Kita has something called the “Shinigami Eyes.” This ability is quite different from the Shinigami Eyes in Death Note.
While the Shinigami Eyes in Death Note say the date of death, the Shinigami Eyes in Zombie Loan show the person who’s going to die soon. Shinigami is basically a Death God or the Grim Reaper. In Zombie Loan, Shinigami Eyes allows the user to see the impending death of people. Michiru can see dark rings that form around people’s necks as they are about to meet their impending deaths. She’s the only one who can see those dark rings. If you have a dark ring forming around your neck, it means you’re going to die soon.
But this isn’t the case with two teenagers named Chika Akatsuki and Shito Tachibana. The two teenagers do have black rings around their necks. However, the two of them do not meet their impending deaths. It is revealed that that they are zombies. The two of them were planning to kill Michiru to keep everything secret. However, it is revealed that Michiru is a valuable asset due to her Shinigami Eyes. Michiru’s world is turned upside down as she is led to “Z Loan” which means “Zombie Loan.”
It is explained that people who die come back as zombies. These aren’t the typical zombies you see in those horror movies. Chika and Shito work at Z Loan to work off the huge debt they owe for preserving their “lives.” The two of them are already “dead.” Instead of getting money, you get a new lease on life. Both of them have to work off the huge debt.
Chika and Shito are very much linked to each other literally as their right hands are linked by a spiritual chain that normal people can see. Chika is wearing Shito’s right hand and vice versa. When they place their correct hands in place, they have special weapons to slay zombies and send their souls into the afterlife. But it tends to drain their energy.
It’s also an interesting relationship as the two of them aren’t friends but are forced to work together. They cannot really die as they are already dead. Zombie Loan is an interesting take on dealing with the undead. This is one series that one should definitely check out.
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