Latest activities of the Kremlin regarding Ukraine have finally washed away political make-up from Putin regime. Undermining ethical foundations of world policy Putin is rushing to dictatorship. Moscow shows its imperial ambitions more and more aggressive.

With approach of Vilnius-Summit political pressure makes tougher and battle is being waged in economic sector with fresh forces. Moscow has recently imposed a customs lock-out to Kiev. Putin has clearly given to understand he has no intention to lose his control over Ukraine and has shown that will use any ways to force Kiev to join to the Customs Union. In reply the EU has been for short in thought and then remembering OSCE principles it has scolded Moscow for infringement of international norms and thereby has promised to support Ukraine. European Parliament had even accepted severe resolution blaming Russia. But, whether their statements are well-defined and who is supported actually by European leaders and the EP Members considering a lot of criticism to Ukrainian authorities. Last months a number of powerful European politicians and experts have actively criticized situation in Ukraine and its unreadiness to join association with EU. They said very sharp and offensive if EU agree on signing of Agreement with Ukraine only because of European interests to outlet for European goods and to sources of natural resources. The assessments of geopolitical situation in this country are even more cynical. Time after time they declare Ukraine should be considered only like buffer zone for protection against illegal emigration or on case of deterioration of relations with Russia.

All these statements have obviously anti-Ukrainian character and are directed on formation of negative ideas about Ukraine by European Community. It’s necessary to look attentively at main officials who conduct this information campaign against Ukraine and block its EU integration efforts. It’s known, close cooperation with odious dictators and active support of authoritative regimes is chronic disease of authorities that testifies to greed and corruption of some European leaders and treachery of democratic ideals. Not so long the whole world was amazed by news about ties between Gaddafi and former President of France Nicola Sarkozy. Being subsidized of murderous Libyan dictator the French leader betrayed the European Community and its values showing his venality and avidity.

He also maintained close ties with Moscow and promoted in every possible way its policy of expansion to post-Soviet states. Today President Francois Hollande and its Socialist Party do not hide the liking to Putin’s authoritative regime. In exchange for generous sponsorship of Gazprom some members of French Parliament, members of Cabinet and leaders of political parties make statements pleasing to the Kremlin, in particular, criticize EU integration policy of Ukraine without confusion. Obvious case has been the private meetings between members of information mission of Foreign Affairs Commission of National Assembly of the French Republic and ambassadors of Poland and Ukraine in France. French MPs were interested only in issues about prospects and possibilities of Russian-Polish economic cooperation.

At the same time direct statement of Warsaw officials about tough imperial modes of Moscow in relation to its neighbors were left by French representatives without any concern. Doubtful expenses of parties, shadow sponsorship, transfer of political leaders to work in large transnational corporations have become a norm for Germany policy-makers too. Putin continues to keep in touch both with current German politicians and those who held important posts in former times. All these people are interesting to Mr. Putin with knowledge of decision-making process in EU and set of well- established relations with modern political circles. Owing to their active participation stimulated by Moscow widespread anti-Ukrainian campaign was successfully being conducted long time in Europe. One of the impressive examples of lobbying of political and economic interests of Russia is Gerhard Schroeder. Having a position of German chancellor he was actively lobbying the gas pipeline building project Nord Stream and became after losing an election chairman of Shareholders Committee of some Company closely cooperating with Gazprom. Social-Democratic candidate for chancellor Peer Steinbrueck made an exhibition of itself by statements about Putin regime. He considers the western democratic standards are not able to apply directly to Russia.

But without looking at great number of criticism of his words it is doubtful whether situation will change after parliamentary elections 2013 because both business and power in Germany have strong ties. Germany is possible to tell strongly to support Russian interests on post-Soviet area in federal chancellors’ person. This Germany’s political trick of fall of Ukrainian political shares will probably be continuing and destroying a myth about the European democratic values. The Kremlin has political aspirations to create new geopolitical frame and tries desperately to involve Ukraine in sphere of its influence. So that it’s a turning-point for whole Europe. Brussels has a chance not to admit new empire creation that could become threat for democratic world.

We all know that venal policy-makers try intentionally to slander Ukraine to please to the Kremlin thereby strengthening Putin regime even more. We should understand the aspiration to become a high- fledged partner of European Community is conscious decision of all Ukrainian people and not just those leaders who are today at the power in Ukraine, therefore any attempts of dishonest politicians to interfere with this aspiration must be considered as crime against the Ukrainian people.

Jeff Lox:
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