Antony and Cleopatra’s tomb to be opened

Archaeologists are set to test the theory about whether or not Cleopatra and her lover Mark Antony are buried together by opening their 2,000 year old tomb later this year.

The remains of Cleopatra and Antony are said to be inside a temple called Tabusiris Magna which lies 30 km from the port city of Alexandria in northern Egypt. However access to the tomb has been hindered as it is under water. The archaeologists plan to overcome this hurdle by draining the site and begining work in November.

Cleopatra who came to power at the age of 18 years is considered to be the last of seven queens of the same name.She was famous for her beauty and her political powr.She was first Julius Caesar’s lover and bore him a son Caesarion. Anthony was his general. Following Caesar’s death,the love affair between Cleopatra and Antony began.

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