On the BBC‘s have your say section the question: "should drug addicts be ‘rewarded’ for staying clean?"
The question follows a disclosion that the government is rewarding heroin and cocaine addicts for giving clean urine samples, according to a survey by the National Treatment Agency. Addicts were being offered extra methadone, anti-depressants, or cash vouchers for keeping clean.
Here’s how JR from London will deal with the problem:
"I’m off to get some crack and beat up a pensioner."
JR, London.
Whereas anthony_rat, London, is a hardliner
"NO! They should be severely punished for using drugs."
Anthony_rat, London.
Simon from Stockport is an opportunist
"Woo-hoo! I’ve been free of drugs my entire life. Where can I get my free vouchers from?"
Simon, Stockport.
And Lord Zakspade of Elbonia, Bucks says:
"I 100% agree – reward addicts who stay clean. Prizes should consist of:
-escape from hard labour (breaking rocks and fed gruel) -no lashes – no birch – freedom from gaol
In fact, I feel they should be rewarded by being allowed to be normal"
Lord Zakspade of Elbonia, Bucks
Lord Zakspade of Elbonia (if that is your real name), if you are a lord then what the fuck are you doing in Buckinghamshire? Are you trying to score some drugs?
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