AP Spins Another: G-20 Protestors Without Permits Labeled Anarchists?

Today another fictional tale was published on the internet news sources by the AP in a story supposedly directed to flesh out the security arrangements that were in place for the G-20 meetings in Pittsburgh which was headlined as a "lockdown."

I wonder how much all that security detail cost the American people for Mr. Obama’s hosting this conference of the Global Board of Directors for World, Inc. while this country is suffering its worst economic depression since the Great Depression?

Also, of course, this Board is accountable and manipulated by the European bankers who "fund" through their centralized banks all those member countries of the G20, including the U.S.

The British, primarily.

There was mention of the "peaceful protests" which were "legal" in that the required permits apparently were sought. 

But, of course, the founders of this country never intended that the "freedom of assembly" and the "right of petition" for such a meeting that is and was such a fundamental breach of our Constitutional form of government and intended sovereign status with respect to this country’s economy to have to be "applied for" at all, yet the AP used this little segway in an attempt to spin the story as one of the  "anarchists vs. lawful protestors" a little further down in the telling.

And also there was comment and mention made about the number of arrests when some protestors were asked to "disassemble," and apparently did not do so upon command, and felt that their Constitutional rights were more "lawful" than an "unlawful" order by the federal police protecting the foreigners who called this meeting to begin with.  

Given the circumstances in the U.S. due to the actual globalization of our economy with those others "progressively" due to the bankers merging and intermingling, and  the primary impetus generally for America’s worsening economy, and then tab the Americans were picking up for their "security detail" at this point did it ever occur to them to have the decency to just possibly move the host country for such an "in your face" event?

Those patrols and policemen so generously provided to rate a headline of "lockdown" status during these pow wows were being billed to the Americans, those that were asked to "disassemble" even.

Or I guess it never occurred to Mr. Obama, at this point, to possibly cancel his appearance and participation in it?

There was a quote from a U.S. postal carrier (who were made to use color coded stickers in order to get through the expensive security measures) that "he wasn’t sure what they accomplished."

And just why Pittsburgh would be chosen for such a meeting (not one of your rather accessible areas from global destinations to the U.S.) seems that Mr. Obama’s political acumen of the tenor of dissatisfaction with his "citizen of the world" concerns might need a little tweeking.

Or maybe reading our Constitution during the downtime on one of those global flights for his public relations appearances for the folks back home might help.


Betsy Ross: Betsy Ross is an American Constitutional Conserve-ative, former legal professional and long term resident of Phoenix, Arizona and writes on U.S. federal and state issues aimed with a Constitutional perspective on the blog, www.backupamerica.org.
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