Headache is one of the most common health problems everyone identifies with. Normally People are not that much concern with this isue. But it will creat problems. Migraine, the most prevalent headache syndrome at present affects almost 6-15% men, 14-35% women and 4-5% children. A migraine attach can last from several hours to even days. The word migraine has French origin and means `half the head’.
The two most prevalent types of migraines are :- Classic Migraine & Common Migraine.
Symptoms of Classic Migraine.
• The sufferer faces AURA (neurological symptom) before this type migraine attack.
• The person may see flashing lights or zig-zag lines, or even he / she can temporarily loose vision.
• Intense hammering pain in the forehead, ear, or around the eyes, usually starts from one side of the head & may shift to the other side gradually.
• Difficulty in speaking, weakness of an arm or leg, tingling of the hands & face.
• Can last up to two days.
Symptoms of Common Migraine.
• Before the attack the sufferer has mood changes, fatigue, mental fuzziness etc.
• Photophobia and Phonophobia.
• Nausea, vomiting, increased urination and diarrhea are some common signs.
• Can last for a longer period of 3 to 4 days.
Trigger Factors of Migraine.
The triggering factors may differ for every person. Some of the common ones are:
• Stress, anger, physical or mental fatigue.
• Alcohol, especially red wine
• Smoking or exposure to smoke.
• Sleep deprivation or frequent changes in sleeping patterns.
• Caffeine, chocolates, banana, citrus fruits, fermented foods, nuts, old cheese, figs, monosodium, glutamate (MSG) or nitrate containing foods.
• Birth control pills or fluctuating menstrual cycles and other hormonal factors.
• Tension at home, office . . . .
• Humid or low temperature and frequent weather changes.
• Strong scents, perfumes or pesticides.
• Irritating loud noises or repeated sounds, even bright lights.
Treatment /Cure.
• The best way to prevent migraine attacks is to avoid the triggering factors.
• Migraine sufferers themselves should analyze the type of migraine attacks they suffer and the triggering factors too.
• Consult your doctor for the medication type you should use. Doctors may advise you to take Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs).
• Herbal treatment is also an option.
• Do exercise 15-30 minutes a day.
• Change your eating habits; avoid caffeine, citrus fruits and other migraine triggering foods.
• Go for a medical check-up every 3 months.