Nowadays, life has become very busy, but it is necessary to keep an eye on your personal finances and keep it under control. It is very difficult to make a budget in detail and make an effort to stick to the budget. You can maintain your personal finance by using various useful apps on your mobile phones, tablets. They help to keep the track of your expenses and income and also can be useful in saving some extra money. So, if you want to manage your income, expenses, and bills and save some money for emergency days, you can try any of the following apps
1. Mint
- This is very popular app available for Android phones, iPads and iPhones. It is a free app which you can install on your phone or tablet. It is all-in-one app used to manage your personal finance by organizing and make categories of your income, spending and debts. It provides users with very neat and clean interface.
- It collects data from all your accounts like personal bank, details of college loan, your retirement plans and accounts of credit card. It generates payments of all individuals and can suggest you plan for savings so that you can achieve your goals.
- Mint is a very good choice for people who are busy and have no time to enter detail of every financial transactions occurring in their accounts. This app can track your every activity automatically and synchronise your accounts and real budget can be prepared easily.
- You can easily come to know about you’re spending from mint in each category like investments, health, entertainment, telephone bills, electricity bills. So, you can make comparison between spending of each month and years to know how well you manage your personal finance according to your budget.
2. Expensify
- This app helps to tally your personal expenses which are very tedious, frustrating and time consuming job in today’s life, if done manually. It is also a free app and available on all the Android phones, iPads, iPhones, Blackberry sets and window phones also.
- It makes reports of your expenses in very organized way. This app helps you to manage your business travelling plans, along with status updates about timing of flight, can calculate mileage through GPS system by loading the graph.
- Expensify also deals with your requirement of keeping paper receipts. You can take photo of printed receipts with smartphone camera or camera of your tablet and store the scanned copy of printed receipts with the help of SmartScan feature available in this app. Receipts with IRS-guarantee can be auto generated for transactions of amount of 75 dollars or less.
- Smart Reports is very useful feature that fills out Excel spreadsheets automatically for you and digital reports are attached with them.
3. SmartyPig
- The name of this app is like piggy bank and also helps you to save money. Open a free savings account on this app. It is also free and available for iPhones, iPads and Android phones.
- In this account you can save anything like a car, a house or a vacation account details. Add the amount of money you want to save in savings goals of your account. You may need to link an existing bank account or savings account to your account in Smarty Pig.
This guest post is written by Sonali on behalf of