April Recognition Award – Mjbarkl

If you want to get a reaction on GroundReport, post an article on gun control and the Second Amendment.  Mjbarkl, who posted his first article in April,  and got a massive response to his article entitled, "Repeal the Right to Keep and Bear Arms".  Mjbarkl included his article in the Publication, "Repeal the Second Amendment". 

GroundReport is one of the last independent, not-for-profit citizen journalism web sites on the Internet.  It offers all serious reporters and writers a free venue on which to be read.  Freedom of the press as enshrined in the First Amendment of the US Constitution is a basic human right that GroundReport is dedicated to defending.

Recognition Award are funded by an anonymous donor who wants to encourage writing and the communication of all points of view.  Mjbarkl will receive his award  via Paypal.

Mjbarkl characterizes himself as a candidate for the US Congress and lives in California. 

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