Aquaponics is Changing the Face of Food Production

Third World Countries are Embracing Aquaponics To End Starvation

Human ingenuity and spirit is a never ending source of inspiration. In the second edition of the ASC magazine, Murray Hallam visited Proto village in India. There he met a dedicated team of people who are determined that Aquaponics will be a success in their village. The team knows that growing food in this village will not be easy. They have many difficulties to overcome, yet they are not deterred by their task.

Who wouldn’t be inspired by such determination, strength of character and a human spirit that refuses to give up? Proto village is in one of the most remote areas of India, where water is scarce and the land is barren. Still they have decided that there must be a way to make it work. Well, it has its challenges, but they forge ahead anyway. Join us at http://aquaponics-how-to-guide.info/aquanewsletter

The article highlights the ups and downs in an awe inspiring and humorous way. Murray explains it this way; “I cannot express strongly enough the sincerity and good will of the people I met in the village, including those that came to the training. Some of the participants travelled from across India and others were from nearby Bangalore, wonderful people!”

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The ASC magazine is full of inspiring stories just like this one. There are so many incredibly talented and gifted people who share their ideas and stories. This is the kind of culture that the ASC magazine wishes to continue. The magazine encourages people from all walks of life to share their experiences and educate others. Our food systems are the most important things in the world. Join us in helping further the integrity of our food systems and putting an end to starvation across the globe.

Venus Rizing Reporting:
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