Commentary: I’ve heard many people make a comment there is no such person as a soul mate, but I’m here to tell people soul mates do exist and they’re important in people’s lives and they will help them to survive rough times as well as happy times.
I’ve got several people in my life that I consider as soul mates and I’ve been close with some of them for 50-years. Yes I said 50-years and to this day we’re as close as we ever were and we feel as though we’re family to each other.
These relationships have not been ones where two people only send a Christmas card or call once a year, it’s a continual on-going soul mate relationship since its inception. My soul mates and I had an instant connection and we "still" have a close and receptive relationship.
We can be away because of a long term work commitment and when we write or we talk with each other it’s as though we’ve never been apart and we’ll pick up our conversations from where we left off.
I have a different closeness with each one of them and each relationship has varied things that draws them together. We have strong bonds and we’re as close as siblings.
We’ve shared heartaches, deaths, relationships, divorces, anguishes, needs and desires, and other trials that we’ve shared together; and we’re available at all times to converse and to help them sort out problems they’re encountering. It’s like having a part of your soul attached to theirs and its strong and it never dies.
There’s never a moment I feel like I need a break from them or that I don’t want to share with them about the things I like and enjoy. I also sense they feel the same about me. When we visit or have a casual telephone conversation with each other, it is always that of elation and joy. We’re never tired of sharing, talking or visiting with each other.
One of my soul mates and I can go on separate shopping sprees and come back with one or two of the same items. This freaks me out because we have so many of the same likes and dislikes.
It’s my belief that soul mates are a gift from God and they’re like angels to people to keep them on an even keel and to release the stress in their daily lives. I would never want to lose my soul mates because they light the darkness in life and add so much love, comfort, and peace for me.
I hope readers can relate to this type of soul mate relationship and that they too can find a soul mate like I’ve experienced. It’s my opinion that soul mates are angels who listen, respond, interject, and show compassion and truthfulness to a person who needs their attentions.
Barbara Kasey Smith is the sole writer of this article.
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