Army Chief Confrontation led Deadlock in Nepal

Political impasse became synonym of Nepal. The disagreement among President, Maoist, cabinet, and other political parties related to the sacking of army chief made Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ to resign from prime minister and finally Nepal became indecisive again.

The confrontation started when Maoist led government asked clarification with army Chief Rukmangat Katuwal on different three issues before two weeks. These issues were about the new enlistment in the Nepal Army (NA), NA’s stand on the retirement of eight brigadier generals and the NA staying out of some events in the recently concluded Fifth National Games among others.

Then after with the great protest of other political parties and international community, the government stepped back but finally having objection and note of decent from other ministers, Maoist ministers decided to sack army chief on this Sunday. After this step from government, the situation became crucial. Another major political party of government NCP (UML) put hand back from the government. After the protest and disagreement of other political parties beyond Maoist, the president of Nepal, Dr. Rambaran Yadav sent a letter to army chief to exist himself as army chief. Then, the climax scene of this movement started. Finally, Prime Minister Dahal resigned blaming president for the cause of this confrontation and political deadlock.

People of Nepal are feared now because they haven’t forgotten the past 12 years long conflict which was led by Maoist. Maoists have weapons with them in cantonment so that it is easy to be back in conflict for Maoists. This scenario has dazzled the ongoing peace process of Nepal.


Mukunda Nepal: Cool guy, always optimistic.
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