The government of Equatorial Guinea has issued an arrest warrant on Sir Mark Thatcher for allegedly playing a role in the coup in 2004 which had failed. He is charged under the arrest warrant for providing both money and transport for the insurrection. However, Thatcher pleaded guilty to being an accessory the following year. He was given a suspended sentence along with a fine.
Still, Thatcher denies that he had an active and direct involvement in the failed coup. In regards to the warrant, Thatcher is not worried at all. He said that he has been tried in South Africa.
In short, Thatcher is not fazed at all by the arrest warrant.
However, Simon Mann is still awaiting trial for being part of the coup. Simon Mann is a former officer with the British military. The arrest warrant against Thatcher came from new evidence that came from Mann.
The new evidence provided allegedly implicates Thatcher into providing the transport and the finances.
It is unknown what is going to happen next in regards to Sir Mark Thatcher and the arrest warrant against him. So far, Thatcher is not concerned. But the question posed is: Should Thatcher be concerned? If so, how concerned should he be?
So far it looks as if the government of Equatorial Guinea is out to get him.
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