Art As Tactile Communication



Our American model of education is base on a linear- language model of learning.

Although there are many other ways individuals learn our educational system seems to be obsessed with this linear model?

What is this model and what is it not? First of all it is a logical model based for the most part on syllogism: For example if i say this then that should follow. In this case learning is based on language presented within a limited space, that is language is prepackaged into limited logical conclusions or objectives if you will made to be externalized( political stropes)

But does this limited externalization of language(predetermined), prepackaged present one with the beauty of learning which is primarily an inner experience presenting one with a range of chooses or fields that oftentimes do not fit into little nice predetermined logical syllogisms?

One learns to think through reading because reading introduces us to deductive reasoning whose signification is not predetermined by simple logical syllogisms.

One has to think & consequently feel if they are reading good literature or poetry.

Signification is allusive not predetermined or might we say propogandistic but it is seeking itself or its particular destiny when we step outside propaganda into the narrative that wishes to inform us of truth.

If linear models of learning are indeed propogandistic then the rationale for there obsessive obstinacy or conservative resistance to change might be because they create  individuals that are compliant with a culture that is more concerned about producing drones then they are about have thinking, liberated, and active citizens?

I do not want to go to far into the linear learning models there positives and negatives but rather more importantly wish to present  a non -linear model which in fact is even more remotely removed from conventional educational systems?

What about non- linear experiences of education that have nothing to do with language logic but moreso with tactile experiences. For example composing and playing music or designing 2 dimensional or three dimensional spaces?


In music feeling is very important , that is hearing, touching ect! Designing a beautiful painting requires the passion to "see" into the canvas or space not  through logical syllogism but through vision. This vision is the manipulation or combination of objects that  are already objectified and not symbolic as language can be. For example nature in its raw beauty or those designs that are derived from nature.

Because our educational system is so caught up in the language models of learning they almost completely ignore the above mentioned tactile model.

Of course this is done at the expense of those students who actually need this type of learning more then others. Future artists certainly need this form of learning more so but everyone should be able to experience it in the curricula and there lives!

As a form of literature we can put poetry into the category of a tactile experience as well because it is not so much didactic as it is cathartic. It attempts to work out deep emotions through very unique forms of writing and also is an outlet in environments that  are repressive too emotional release.

Joseph Balletta: Writing is foremost a way to express all the depth of passions one usually cannot express when moving about in a societal textuality that defines existence as the black & white of actions that do not provide room for the non- linear sensitivities of our beings.

When one writes passionately the observer and the observed become one because the distraction of a plastic physical reality outside oneself and overwhelming to oneself doesn't have the same negative effect on the contemplation of self as omnipotent/pristine.

Therefore writing should involve the reality of the cathartic or primitive mind or the being prior to the social engineering of it as well as the intellectual . Emotion in its capacity as a natural/organic expression distinct to a synthetic form(psuedo - intellectual ) out to reinforce particular social mores needs to be accepted in its indeterminancy and primordial beauty. Although many would like to suggest communication should take place only within limited language strophes whose intentionality is more often then not ideological and of course dogmatic and under specific political controls such as function within instititutions, govenments ect we should also understand that the emotional aspects of writing are necessary to the preservation and integrity of the individual and important to us in value as a natural gift . As a simple release of emotion goes writng with feeling in mind provides solace & peace of mind in a culture that might otherwise not provide an outlet for the range & depth of emotions .

Joseph Salvatore Balletta
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