Artificial Intelligence


Is it just me, or does it happen to everyone? I’m referring to the tons of spam that I receive in my mail these days.

From miracle cures and drugs, to improvements in stamina and performance, to congratulatory mails for having won a million pound lottery, there seems to be no end to being the lucky, chosen one.

Till curiosity gets wins over your better senses and you click the link in the mail.


Guess what happens next?

Nothing much at first…

The virus that infects your comp works quietly and efficiently. It only shows up when you start the system the next day and try opening your favorite browser.

‘Use the other browser, YOU DOPE’ was the message that greeted me when I tried to open the usual browser that I use to get on the net.

I used the ‘other’ browser and everything worked fine till later in the night when I tried to go to my favorite video website. The laughter that sounded from the loud speakers of my comp would have been the envy of MGR and Shivaji Ganesan, the yesteryear theatrical artists of Tamil Cinema.

‘MuaHaHaHaHaHa, MuaHaHaHaHaHa’, guffawed the computer speakers histrionically in the silence of the night and I froze for a few endless moments before I saw the message on the screen, ‘Your favorite website is banned, YOU IDIOT’.

Talk of artificial intelligence.

‘Wonder how I can get rid of this’, I said out loud to no one in particular, as I gazed at the ‘YOU IDIOT’ message on the screen that seemed to get bigger each time I tried to access the website.

‘May be it has a point’. said the wife, quietly.

Philip P: Occupation: Father, driver, musician, auto electrician, technician, luthier.
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