For those that have been keeping track of the news and going to the gas pumps, many have noticed that the price of fuel has went up to at least $4 a gallon. The price of gas per gallon has gradually increased as the price of oil per barrel has climbed. But, this is just here in the United States.
Many blame a weakening US dollar for the high gas prices. As gas prices increase, the price of food increases as well. Gas prices and the boom of ethanol have both been blamed for the skyrocketing cost of food. But that is in the United States so far. However, what about other parts of the world?
The price of oil will end up eclipsing green jobs and combating global warning for this year’s G8 Summit taking place in Japan. The G8 nations along with China, India, and South Korea will be talking about the price of oil.
People across the world have reacted differently.
Primarily French and Italian fisherman had demonstrated through the streets of Belgium. Some of them had clashed with police near the European Union (EU) building.
Over 150 truck and bus drivers converged on a convoy in Bulgaria.
In Britain, hundreds of angry truck drivers had blocked the roads. Fisherman organizations demonstrated in London with the demand of to deal with the rising price of fuel.
Opposition parties and Communist allies of India have protested for a second day. However, the strike does not seem to have taken affect.
In Paris, France, a major motorway was obstructed by taxis. Many have demonstrated throughout the streets demanding help dealing with the price of oil.
In a nutshell, many have protested against the rising price of oil and fuel. This gives the indication that the whole world is feeling the financial pain of such rising costs. But, that is not going to stop the rise in oil prices.
The issue of oil has officially eclipsed climate control.
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