As the U.S. presidential timbers unleash their ultimate skills and savvy in political maneuverings Tuesday, people around the world could only hope for the best for the next leader who will be annointed to sit at the throne of power in the White House.
Amid the frenzy, politicians and their millions of supporters could only wonder at the magnitude of coverages being given by the media to document every bit of development that is taking place as each presidential candidate, both from the democratic and republican parties, battles head on to gain an edge over the others, using the most articulate words they could muster in order to secure a place in the hearts of millions of concerned voters across the United States of America. Probably, the one with the most articulate overtones on matters that the candidate is fighting for may possibly make it to the White House comes the next presidential elections in November this year.
Against this backdrop, the world is watching in inspiring awe as the presidential candidates show off their mighty political skills on how to win the millions of voters’ hearts. Of course, the gutfeeling that is haunting most people around the world do matters a lot. This is because whoever sits at the White House could very well have impacts on political developments in some parts of the world, where American interests currently play a big role in shaping up their influences over the international horizons. But most of the impacts could be felt by Americans themselves who may have aspired not to spare another gamble once they picked to the ideal candidate to run the country, after President George Bush steps down next year.
Although from the vantage point of international oberservers, the U.S. presidential race doesn’t seem to bother them a lot, considering that it is something that only matters a great deal to most Americans.
However, it is a reality that the international watchers have their own favorites, too. In China, for instance, the changing of the guard at the White House may spell a big difference in so far as issues affecting economic ties between the two countries. Meanwhile, the ASEAN countries are seriously looking at a political periscope as a means to find out if the next presidential candidate will strengthen further the security in the Asia-Pacific region, where most of the world’s trades pass through the South China Sea.
While Middle East observers are only keen to seeing to it that the next president may be able to shore up the pitfalls that the Bush Administration gambled, especially on issues affecting energy supplies and the never-ending tensions in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Palestinian problems. But many Gulf observers have stood to their beliefs that whoever wins in the presidential pool may probably lead to an improvement in international relations between the U.S. and the region.
In Latin America, most of the comments have centered on the issue of immigration and bilateral trade agreements. They perceived that the current political sparring, which will eventually unfold as to who is going to be nominated for the top post in the White House, may contribute at least to changing the immigration landscape in order to benefit millions of Hispanics currently in the United States. They are hoping that the next president, may he be a democratic or republican, could work out a way to soften the government’s stance on immigration which now make many Hispanics apprehensive. No less than Mexican President Felipe Calderon had expressed dismay over the federal government’s plan to seal off most of the border that separates the two countries. The U.S. government has erected metal barriers along its border with Mexico in order to discourage people comprising mostly of illegal immigrants, as well as smugglers of drugs, guns and human beings, into the United States.
Nonetheless, the Europeans have mixed feelings as to who will move to the White House. But they were simply pleased to hear that democratic candidates Clinton and Obama are both espousing for change once one of them is elected into public office.
As of today, the poll tally made by ABS-CBN America showed Asians having picked Illinois Sen. Barack Obama (D), registering more than 30 percent of the total votes cast in more than 20 states across the country. While Arizona Sen. John McCain (R) made it as the top pick among Asian-Americans as shown in the same poll. Although, this is only part and parcel of the total votes cast for all the presidential candidates taking part in the primaries.
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